Blue foamy kids boards

Just wondering what kind of foam and density that comes with those cheap kids boards. Is it possible to get some and shape it into a good surfboard?

been wondering the same thing myself.

if you go to the surflife website there’s some interesting claim about this blue foam.

Been looking at the 9’6" mal lately as something that might be fun to master.

Then just take off at whiteplains, waikiki or diamondhead and wack all the drop in’s in the head with the tip of your blue softy without any worries of hurting any one seriously…

that would be alot of fun

being able to run people over or knock them out of the way without anyone or any board getting hurt.

we could start a whole new series of “starman” versus “fecalman” contests in the lineup.

Demolition derby surfing with no guilt, just like we did in the late 60’s with our white cooler styrofoam boards or how spongers play…

"just take off at whiteplains, waikiki or diamondhead and wack all the drop in’s in the head with the tip of your blue softy without any worries of hurting any one seriously…

that would be alot of fun

being able to run people over or knock them out of the way without anyone or any board getting hurt.

we could start a whole new series of “starman” versus “fecalman” contests in the lineup.

Demolition derby surfing with no guilt, just like we did in the late 60’s with our white cooler styrofoam boards or how spongers play…"

classic mate !

kiricore says the same thing to me , every time i ask him to come mat surfing with me

he is always laughing when he says ‘demolition derby’

…the only thing about THAT is ,

well, you see, Shane [‘kiricore’] is …ummm …100lbs heavier , and 5" taller than me .

I guess he gets ANY wave he wants, if we ARE ever both out there together on our mats ! … even ian [‘sandgroper’] is a bit scared…



“starman” versus “fecalman” …maaan , I LOVED that part of the movie !!! [if you and harry ever do it , Bernie … can you post some PHOTOS / VIDEO footage , pleeeease ?!!]

Dont know if they are the same as the ones you are thinking off, but i just purchased a 5’3" blue foam fish for my kids to learn on. Foam is heaps stronger than styro. The blue foam does not suck water and is of a large hexangonal bead. The boards also have a 1"by1" stringer enbedded them.

They claim a 250 lb person can ride the boards and have pictures of a 175lb person standing on the board between two chairs.

Its a great board for the kids, short enough to handle and with a flat bottom and 21" wide its nice and stable and soft enough that it dosent hurt to much when taking one to the head… My 6 year old daughter is up and standing (with a push) after a few days in the whitewater. its a great feeling to see your kids getting the same stoke from a lifestyle you luv

and chip it wont hurt at all when i run over you. mmmah hah ha ha…

have you got a pic of one?

how much are they?

I feel the need to experiment…

Glad to read the hands on report…

Especially on the blue foam

here’s the website

Saw a 9’6" in HIC last weekend for $350

could be alot of fun if you could master riding one in all conditions

even that little fish could be alot of fun…

Great travel board I guess

They use the boards in the “Rabbit’s my Uncle” keiki surf contest every summer in waikiki, a great cause and everyone has to surf the same board.

okay you guys so…

who’s get to be star-man?

and who’s fecal-man?

don’t forget your soft foam costumes…

I have the surflife fish and I have been using it as a kneeboard. I found I was too heavy on the back foot riding it standing but when I caught one on the knees it flew. it’s super fun and easy on the wallet. i alternate days on the bluefish and the mat now.

i don’t know if it would be good for shaping though seems like it would be all chewed up if you took a sureform to it.


Then just take off at whiteplains, waikiki or diamondhead and wack all the drop in’s in the head with the tip of your blue softy without any worries of hurting any one seriously…

that would be alot of fun

You’re reading my mind. Just about a month or two ago a friend and I got a navy guy to help us rent a couple of soft top surftechs from the Military only surf shack for the sole purpose of surfboard jousting.


Dont know if they are the same as the ones you are thinking off, but i just purchased a 5’3" blue foam fish for my kids to learn on. Foam is heaps stronger than styro. The blue foam does not suck water and is of a large hexangonal bead. The boards also have a 1"by1" stringer enbedded them.

unreal mate !

where did you get it ? colin’s ?

how much , if you don’t mind me asking ?

removeable fins ?

i’d love to try one ! [could run over the clubbies with them !]

“and chip it wont hurt at all when i run over you. mmmah hah ha ha…”

yeah , [because] DEAD bodies don’t feel pain , eh ?

yep same one as in the above link Looks like no stringer in the 5’3" fish

Got it from colins shop $(au) 200 just had to buy it because its a fish just like dads…

two removable jelly fins

I have even paddled it around (and it floated me no probs) but not tried for any waves (yet)…


That blue DURAFOAM™ seems to be some kind of polietylene based foam, similar to that polietylene cores in bodyboards or that polietylene sheets they put under the wooden floors for insulating.

I think that core could give some problems about delamming.

Any potential credibility I might be getting here is about to go out the window, but those blue foamie/softtops are incredible fun. A buddy works at a local surfshop and gives lessons here, and on a few occasions over summer he brought all 4 of the lessons boards out for our own use. They are floaty as hell, you can take off on anything and it doesn’t matter as it’s hard to hurt yourself on them, it doesn’t matter if you lose them onto the rocks and there’s nothing better than running your mates over gleefully and with a clear conscience.We got quite obsessive about it and invented a far-better-than-the-ASP style competitive format. Everyone gets a turn being priority and they can call the wave. When a wave is called, all contestants MUST go and points were scored for style and damage rendered. Some superb surfing was seen and very high point waves included someone running over all 3 other surfers and then throwing a fine cutback to clip one guy a second time, a tourist getting mowed in the shorey and my high point was a stall and pivot that took a fellow surfer out at the knees. Horrible behaviour and we were once told off by a lifeguard like he’d berate a bunch of 9 year old morons with sponges. Get one by all means.

hi kirk !

funny you should mention that ,

because simon [my brother] was on the phone the other day telling me “what fun the learn-to-surf boards are” !

The fish model ?

…a 16yo or so kid was RIPPING on that fish model kiricore mentioned , last winter , here.

…IF you can change out the fins to fcs , i’m getting one !!

[for 200 bucks , you can’t go WRONG , eh ??!! ]

cheers , guys !


p.s. -

…sorry , I hope this hasn’t hijacked your thread , has it , “sir w.a.l.” ?!

Ha!!! Going great so far!


the ones we rode had these terrible little plastic fins that may have popped in and out, but if so I think they’d probably only fit the board brand’s fins. It’s been a while since I looked at one but I’ll go by the surf shop in the next week or so for sure and check it out. We were riding 9’0" and 9’6"s, but if you could get a fish I’d be on that for sure as it’d be like a combo of a fish and a mat. If you could shape the stuff (I bet it’s molded/blown) it would be classic- 8’ foot softy gun? 6’ softy MP M.O.T.E board?

hey chip,

the fish has big honkin plastic keels that screw in from the top deck like most soft surfboards. intsoftboards makes a soft tri-fin fish with a fiberglass bottom that looks like it has future fin boxes in it, that might be a good bet for you if you want to swap the fins.

cheers factory pond !

"okay you guys so…

who’s get to be star-man?

and who’s fecal-man?

don’t forget your soft foam costumes…"

pick me ! pick me !

let’s see …

glue-on joke poo, ,

a brown[ish] pair of boardies , brown seaweedy kinda stuff stuck on your hair [or a dreadlocked wig , with extra er ‘KUMPS’ in it ?

paddle out chewing on a [half exposed chokito , or a polly waffle bar [google image search , if unsure]

and the piece de resistance …

spray on the foulest smelling um poo perfume you can find ?

…i’m guessing even ‘star man’ WON’T want to touch you , then !!



thanks for this … this is a fun thread , sir wal/ ben ! [it often takes a hawaiian’s post to get the fun back into swaylocks, eh ?]

…now we just need a heap of swaylockians to buy that soft 5’3 fish , and get photos / videos of them riding it …who knows , maybe if the footage is good , the manufacturer could use it on THEIR site …or provide a free board or two a year to keith melville , for your [i’m sure they are FUN !] regular swaylocks get together days ?



okay you guys so…

who’s get to be star-man?

and who’s fecal-man?

I’ll be fecal-man if it means I get to kiss Maureen Drummy. .

okay I’ll bite

When I get back from Keith’s

I’ll talk to my brother to buy the fish since he’s like 20 pounds lighter and I’ll get the 9’6" so we can swap and then we’ll go do battle and find some one to film it… I’ve been looking for a crowd control board anyway and it’ll be good practice to master the art of “tapping” folks who drop in and gently nudging them out of the way with no damage to either party.

I just hope these things surf better than that floppy green Morey Doyle we used to eat sh*t on in big waves.

As far as costumes…

maybe we can find a sponge bob or gumby outfit some where…

As far as costumes go in video, I really like the “chocolate elvis” sequence in Search2? or Feral? with the silver disco bell bottomed wetsuit and for.

I have a couple shots below I found of the whiteplains crew on halloween last year

Posted without permission:

that’s the spirit , Bernie !

…GREAT photos , mate ! [but WHERE are the ones of you surfing in those costumes ???]

Now , just imagine what ‘sir w.a.l.’ would have been [not] wearing , had he been there ? ewwww. [I wonder <span style=“font-style:italic”>why</span> he wasn’t told ? heehee]

you guys look like you are always having fun , good on yas !!



…I eagerly await the photos , and footage .

Have fun at Keith’s, mate ! [i’m sure you WILL !]