Blue Horizon surf film - East Coast tour

Caught last night’s presentation of Jack McCoy’s latest film, Blue Horizon, on the big screen here in Jupiter, Florida last night. I am posting to let all the east coasters know not to miss it as they head north with it. Besides being a really great film with an actual storyline (imagine that), Jack actually presents the film himself and takes the time to talk about filming it and answers questions. It reminded me of when I was a kid how the whole surf community would turn out for the latest surf movie and hoot and holler in our OP cords. Here’s the link with the tour dates:

And before you go, check your Surfer’s Journal archives - they ran a 30 page article about Jack a few issues ago. I forget which one.

Was that what that big black bus that said Surfer Magizine was at the theater around 5:00pm?

Yes - there’s around five guys (including Jack) driving from city to city showing the film, just like in the old days before we all started sitting around our living rooms by ourselves watching dvds.