Board # 1 Started

The final dimensions before glassing are:

9’ 3 3/4"

17 1/2" N

22 1/2"

16 1/2 " T

3 5/16"

The Harbour pictured is:

9’ 4"

16 3/4" N

22 7/16"

15 1/2 T

3 3/16

Glassing has begun…

More Thursday…


you did wrap that cloth around the other side?,I hope!!!

No, it kicked too fast. I cut it off right at the rail. I am going to lap the next (top) two over and then do full rail wraps with a separate layer. It was really hot today.

Something all of us probably did at least once… Aaaaaaaaaah… sweet memories…

Here is Uncle Balsa’s old story: I was “glassing” the latest “board” that I had “shaped” for my old friend Esteban. Doing it outside on a very hot and sunny day, just to make things more interesting… What had to happen did happen, of course, and the bright red resin started to go off in the can as I was just finishing to wet the bottom. Partially wetted laps were almost instantly set solid and nothing could be done… I burst out into a rage and threw down the can as violently as I could.

Bright red resin went flying everywhere around. A very pretty girl was standing there, watching me work with admiration and love in her eyes. That was untill bright red resin landed on her brand new WHITE bikini…

When I calmed down, I did what Ilparadosso also did. Esteban never knew about it. The board was a dog, anyway, and it barely floated him… Wonder how we’re still friends to this day…

Oh, and, a few years later I married the girl. But that’s another story…

more glass…

I have to tell ya, I have a Cheater II and you nailed the tail shape anyway!

And my nose is somewhat bladed as this is a pre channel Harbour.

Nice going so far!

When I went to do this project, the Cheater II was in my mind but I didn’t have one to template, just that old shark board. It turns out that the shark board nose was wider than I thought. As I got into the project, I found that the stepdeck was a little much for my first board. The tail is what I remember seeing on the Cheaters and I just went for what looked good. I can’t wait to ride it, lumps and all. Dromedary.

Question about logos.

I heard about printing the logo backward on overhead projector film and sticking it to wet resin, I am assuming on the sand coat before gloss, then peeling off the plastic leaving the ink in place.

Has anyone done this and how has it worked?

I really like the clean look of your board: nice with the double stringer !

double TT tailblock is sweet…

how does it ride ?

Been working on a logo. Here’s what I came up with.

and ?? how did you stick the logo ?

did you surfed her already ?

very curious how your project ends !

I’m kind of stalled. I bought a house and moved so she is sitting with two layers on top and one on bottom. The logo is going to go under the deck patch. I still have deck and rail patches to do as well as the sand coat. I am not going to be doing a gloss. I am still looking for a wood pivot fin to glass on. Here is a pic of me on the brown board I took the pattern off of this weekend at Bolsa.

Did the deck patch and logo today. Logo was printed on rice paper.

Larry at Fibre Glass Fin Co.(aka ProBox-Larry) is making me a custom DN noserider style fin out of bamboo.

Another shot of the deck patch/logo. Rails are done but I don’t have pics yet. I’ll start to do the sandcoat on the deck tomorrow.

rice paper seems to work really well !

nice logo

Did the first sand coat on the deck today.

Hi ilparadosso, Thought you would like to see your Bamboo Glass-on fin in hotcoating stage before having it finished middle of next week. Mahalo,Larry

Thought I would share with you guys ilparadosso Bamboo Noserider Glass-on fin that’s ready for his #1 board. Thanks ilparadosso for letting me part of your special board project.


looking sweeeet !!