Board # 1 Started

Did you glass that bamboo fin on yet? It’s gonna be a real nice looking board!


Looks awesome man! You need to bring it in when your done so we can check it out.

Hey Guys,

Just returned from a great internetless Thanksgiving complete with some epic (big) sessions on the Central Coast.

Larry- thanks for the pics, it looks awesome. I can’t wait to pick it up. I see you put Brian’s logo on there too. I should have put a Sway’s inspired one on the tail. Maybe later.

Rob- I’ll bring it in as soon as its done.

I can’t wait to surf it.

Finally, Some pics of the final coat on the bottom. Should be finished next week.

Hi I have enjoyed this thread…thanks for posting your progress. One question…what is the advantage of the tail block ? does it give the board more strength? or does it allow the tail of the board to sit in the wave more and give more stability ?


I think a wood tail block gives the board more strength in terms of impact cracking the glass on the corners. A foam tail block would do the same if it was hi density. Mine was just for looks because that was the way Harbour did it, and to make my blank longer. Glad you have enjoyed the thread.

This camel’s got no humps!

You just didn’t look close enough. I called it “the dromedary” because it has more than one. :slight_smile:

Did I just get demoted from Journeyman to Member?

Finished the fill coat on the deck an brought it home. I’m not sure if I’ll do anything else besides surf it. (I could do a final wetsand/polish, this beast is heaavy). I also put some pics of the pattern board and its foil for reference. I’ll post ride reports as soon as she’s in the water.

I wish I could see the pics of the board; the only ones that show up for me are of the fin; a righteous display of beauty unto itself. I’m stoked as I am working on my first shaping effort at the moment and I’d be psyched to see your progress. Anyways, good luck and I hope to hear good reports of it in the water!

Seriously bummed. Can’t see any pics at all except for the fin shots since they are actually hosted here. Went to the beach this morning all primed but there were no waves. :frowning:

Nice thread…nice board…very inspiring:

had similar experiences, was following you up by a month or so:


I really enjoyed making the board and it has since become one of my favorites. I don’t have any pics of it surfing yet, but I’ll post them as soon as I can.