Board #1

Hello, i’ve finished my very first board, i’m really really proud of it also if it’s a piece of crap, but’s my crap and you know better than me what i mean :slight_smile:

Here’s where it all started:;post=182898;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

It’s 6’5" 20" 2"3/4

For my little knowledge i guess i overshaped the nose wich is too thin, next time i’ll be more carefully, in anycase i’ve learned a lot from this first attempt, hope to keep on progressing, thank you again, to all the swaylockers, without you i think i wouldn’t have done it!

Cheers Flavio

The all important question: How does she go/ride?



Yes, that’s the right question, but unfortunately i’m not the right one to answer you, cause i’m not a good surfer, i can barely stand up at the moment, in any case, as i previously told i think the nose is way too thin cause it’s really easy to make it sink while takin’ off in steep small waves (chest high) it’s not balanced with the tail thickness, already thinkin’ to board #2.


good on you for making a board , flavian !

It was a long 15 or so years after I first started surfing before I even THOUGHT of making myself a board… THAT one I butchered really WAS a piece of crap…some of you here have SEEN it !

Yours, by comparison, is a Michaelangelo !


Hey Flavio sure was fun making it yes ? Hey, if your learning to surf it’s alot easier on a more stable platform like a funboard or a longboard. I’m teaching my son, when he was 5, I got him a foam longboard and he got up in the whitewash on that thing and surfed to the sand after a few tries. Much harder on a shortboard. DR


It’s so cool that you’re making your own board this early on. I didn’t make my own until 15 years into surfing and wish that I started sooner. The template of the board looks good - can you take a picture of it profile; capturing its rocker/foil and post that? With it being 2 3/4 thick, it’s hard to imagine you went so thin as to really deaden it. Before making your next, maybe have another surfer or two take this one out for spin. Listen to their feedback and combine it with your thoughts for the next shape. I think the board looks great and it’s just the natural learning curve of surfing.


Herb Bean

Have to agree…you should put that sucker on the wall for a few years and immediatley go shape yourself eithe a longboard or a nice fat, wide 7’ or 8’ egg to learn on.

Unless you are a natural, and you might be, but if you are not then your learning curve will be drasticall yreduced by starting out on either of the above board types. HINT…a longboard is lot easier to shape than a shortboard too.

If you go that route then you will be able to rip on your first board a hell of a lot quicker than if you tried to lean on it. Know what I mean…

But hey, it is a nice board though.

ps. where is that break…very pretty



HINT…a longboard is lot easier to shape than a shortboard too.

Is that a commonly held belief? I’ve shaped exactly two, one long, one short, and found the longboard to be much more time intensive.

Time intesnive yes…naturally.

But you have a lot more room for error on a longboard. Also with so much rail and outline you have more room to correct yourself if something goes awry.

I also feel that a longboard, by its very nature being longer…will let a shaper be less precise with the subtleties in contrast to a shortboard where you need precision.

But then again, no a longboard blank you usually have more foam to remove than on the closer toleranced shorter blanks. This i suppose could lead people into thinkihg that shaping a longboard is more challenging. I just find it to be the other way around.


I’ve attached a pic of the rocker, the pic’s not so sharp but it gives you the idea, let me know what you think about it.

Thank you all for your suggestments, YES my next board will be an Egg, 7’ to 8’ depends on the material i find, think i’ll go for common EPS, cann’t find XPS long enough round here. … i’ll copy the one you can find on “shaping and glassing 1977 pdf” which is a 6.8, i’ll stretch it over 7’ think it’s a good idea?

I forgot to mention that this board is lighter than my friends board despite it’s dimensions… epoxy miracles! it’s 6 oz and 4-4 oz deckside

Drew the break is in Liguria, NW of italy, quite windy and cold yesterday, air temp: 10°C

Thank you all again Flavio