Board #2 - hope I don't get sued

If anyone here works for or represents Harley-Davidson, please think of this surfboard as free advertising and not copyright infringement. Believe me, I am definitely a not-for-profit organization. All kidding aside, I made this board for my dad who in recent years has traded his surfboard for a Road King. This is my attempt to lure him back. We’ll see.

The blank is eps Marko foam and RR epoxy. Its 9’6" X 23.25 X 3.5 and weighs roughly 17lbs. The paint lines were airbrushed with watered down tempera paint from Michaels. The pinlines were made by using using Harbour’s method of tube acrylic paint.

Some things I learned while making this board:

  1. I will never do free laps again. I found it to be way too sloppy and a lot more sanding. I did a cut lap on my first and it worked out much better.

  2. Blue painters tape bleeds too much when I airbrushed. Using the 3M’s green automotive tape is the way to go. (thanks for the help, snjsurfer!!!)

  3. I had problems with taking up paint when peeling the tape up. This is why I did a free lap. Is there some way to prevent this? Any help/comments is greatly appreciated.

My wife just gave birth to boy #3, so board #3 will have to wait until life settles down a little (if ever). Thanks again to all who contribute their knowledge and experience to this site.


Sick board dude… I’m more than sure your dad’ll love it…

If that doesn’t make him grin and do the happy dance, I don’t know what. It worked on me.

Be sure and post pics of the hog trailer he builds to pull your boards. With gas prices going the way they are, I predict more and more motosurfers in leather and flipflops, or something.

Thanks guys. I’m pretty sure he’ll like it. We’re giving it to him next week for his b-day. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a company making motorcycle-surfboard trailers already. They got just about everything else for this sport. (I always feel funny calling surfing a sport).


what a lovely thing to do for your dad. i hope it entices him back into the sea.

Very nice pressent, I linke he will love it and I’m sure he will appriciate the time and effort you put in to making it your self as well.