Board CAD 3D not working on my MAC

How do I get it to show the 3D render?

I can see 3d when i generate a new board in BoardCAD but it will not show a rendered .brd file.

Also, is there a rocker adjustment feature on BoardCAD like the one on AKU?

Hi Djelem,

The easy part first. Yes you can set you rocker by on the menu going to: view / see control points. Then choose bottom and you will find the control points that allow you to do 3 things. 1-change rocker 2-change scoop 3-change the balance of the center of mass. You can do the same when you choose to see the deck and this way you can control the volume flow of the board. You could also add more control points, but by experience it gets out of control. The nice thing about a few control points is that the lines flow smoothly.

Regarding not showing the 3D it happens. You may have to get out and try again. Talked to Jonas the developer who mentioned having to save the board and you add a cad extension by typing it. The program does not generate extensions. Even if you export to dxf you have to add the “.dxf”.

If you use the cross sections you can do Vs, concave and double concave.

Once you designed you main outline, profile and bottom shapes/rails etc. You press view 3D and the computer will ask you if you want to approximate NURBS from besiers (the main points you indicated, and the mac will extrapolate the rest). After this if you want a fancy tail (swallow, fish). You have to go to edit NURBS. For the tail choose from 3D design menu. Set n of pints (use 1 to make you life easier) and the tail design (how deep you want the swallow or fish tail) then you can edit by choosing edit nurbs surface which is the 3D. Save it as CAD and when you open don’t allow to approximate NURBS again or will undo you tail shape. At this point the shape is done in 3 D. If you want to change something accept the NURBS approximation and start again for any brasiers and NURBS edit but all you outline, profile, rails and bottoms stay as you had designed them last session.

Hope it helps. Though the program does not run 100%. Sometimes it does not work. You have to purge you computer of previous attempts by cleaning you download window box, and launching the program again.

I have found the thing to be addictive and dreaming making the best board ever. Those memories of time spent in the water…waitting for the next day in the ocean…