Do any of you folks know about board charges on United air lines. I heard a horror story that they have gone up to 150.00 each way to Hawaii. I’m going on the 13th. Any help would be appreciated.
E.P…BRAH, I hope not…I’m gonna give U.A. a jingle right after I get off work to find out. I saw this coming, though. Truth or rumor, there will still be sweeping changes. Surfing magazine often gave board travel prices - anually - with it’s travel issues…but after Sept 11, things will change. Maybe we should all call the airlines’ toll free lines,… and each of us post one or two of the current travel prices - on different airlines - to make ourselves a current list. I’ll try to come up with a few fees in the next couple of days… The industry is in an upheaval, right now, and some of our carriers may soon be out of business!..T.
Do any of you folks know about board charges on United air lines. I heard > a horror story that they have gone up to 150.00 each way to Hawaii. I’m > going on the 13th. Any help would be appreciated. check out…they have a list with the fees associated with each carrier, the only caveat is the accuracy and/or how recent the last update was done. it’ll give you a rough idea anyway…
I work for usairways and know our fees went up from 75 bucks to 80 one way. It used to be 50 bucks to Puerto Rico and has gone up to 80 also. These fees are such a ripoff because your board is still checked at your own risk. We as tickets agents are under a lot of pressure right now to collect every cent from the public we can…which is probably why I’ll get fired…“Whats in the long case? Golf clubs? Oh…no charge for golfclubs…Have a nice flight!”
Do any of you folks know about board charges on United air lines. I heard > a horror story that they have gone up to 150.00 each way to Hawaii. I’m > going on the 13th. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks you guys! It’s sucks to think my wife and I might have to pay $600.00 to bring boards on our trip. We used to bring 2 each.
i know i want to ride my own boards in hawaii…but a good option might be to buy used boards there.when i was there the used selection at haleiwa surf and sport alone was was overwhelming. all kinds of beautiful shapes by all the big names, many were signed to pros.