Board eat board 2.0

just saw this:

its a video of Rob Machado surfing a new ‘board eat board’ version 2.0

just thought a few of you might be interested in seeing the video as a comparison to the last.

also i was wondering what other people think of this ‘board eat board’ concept? i’ve heard somewhere that it is something that has been tried and done before a while ago, is that correct? just curious i guess.


We've been down this road already, its been called horseshit, a gimmick, a dog, POS, unimpressive, contrived, Tomo ripoff, does not go well, been done before, Machado is bolstering his contrived persona, etc.

I personally think Machado is just trying some different stuff for the heck of it (like Ryan Burch and the yard possums).  He's a far better surfer than I am, and one of my favorites to watch (video).  And it looks like he's having fun with his weird looking board, I thought thats what it was supposed to be about, so I'm cool with it.  Different strokes for different folks.


Yeah I like Machado too…very cool guy…and great surfer! Don’t know why it wouldn’t work well…I think he just proved it worked well. Not someone to go around hawking shit either…I think he’s the kinda guy thats not into gimmicks at all.

Let’s all build one and find out!   Have you seen the vids of how they put the snowboard under that one? Pretty cool how they shaped it.

Of course I’ll have to scale it up cause my fat ass couldn’t catch a tidal wave with that little thing. Maybe I’ll Build a 8’ funboard with a gun under it???  HMMMMmmmm.

ah yes i thought i had read about it on here before, apologies for making a new post on the subject!



ah yes i thought i had read about it on here before, apologies for making a new post on the subject!

