Board from Master Glasser Film

I was stumbling around my spare room and came across this old bodyboard I used in the Glassing video.I used it to explain resin abstracts,pinlines and some other stuff.The “art” is still intact.Basically it’s piece of crap but may have some kind of weird value to someone who watched the video.I was going to toss it but thought maybe I should donate it to Swaylocks.Plus it saves me a trip to the dump.Any thoughts on this?? R Brucker


Sign it - find someone going to California - give it to Paler. He can put it in the Swayloholics Anonymous gathering raffle.


Hey I aint signing that piece of crap!!Nah…it is already signed and has one of my old logos on it.I am going to give it to Swaylocks if they want it.Thanks… R.Brucker

well Roger , if it really IS a piece of crap ??

maybe you could do a brown resin swirl on a piece of toilet paper , laminate that into the board , and sign it as a "1 off special piece of crap collectors edition ". Sound do-able ?

just a thought 


Roger -

I’m sure it would be appreciated. If you have a chance, get a shipping estimate and maybe we can work something out.

Speaking of crap - this is totally off topic other than it deals with crap. A “Best of Craigslist” post from Seattle…

hey that’s GREAT John … so glad that I am not the only person who gets lines through his “posts” ???

I bet that guy who posted and got “ruled out” spews when he sees lines through all his words too ! (especially when no-one knows what causes it …)


ahhh…the irony of it all !!! …THIS post has no lines through it …so farrrrrr…

Shipping Estimate???Heck I’ll pay you to get it out of my house.It’s really not that crappy.Just maybe somewhat crappy.I sent pictures to Keith Melville and he is checking things out.It may actually be one of the finest specimens of surfboard crapmanship on the planet. RB