We've lagged and I apologize...

To all shapers and site owners in the Swaylocks community…

After reading through the “female shapers” thread and seeing that someone had mentioned doing a web search on the topic, I decided to do one myself. On Google at least, came up first on the list. While honored that we ranked so high, I’m also a bit embarrassed because I really haven’t given the site the attention it deserves over the past few years. It’s especially humbling because I’m sure many of you have submitted sites that never made it into the directory. We’ve blown it and I apologize.

That being said, I want to make it right so please, if you have a site that has not been added to yet, please submit a link to me either through PM or by sending an email to boarders @ and we’ll get it added asap. My goal to complete all of these requests is by April 30th.

Thanks for all your time and patience.

PS to admin: this is intended to be a public apology, not spam, but if it comes across as that, feel free to delete…