is back online, thanks to the support and understanding of Hans Robeers

The site is now hosted on the finfoil server, but fully under control of Eva!
Https certificates will be added in June.

Site looks great, congratulations Eva, and thanks Hans!

This is awesome news!
Thank you Eva, thank you Hans!

Now I can see what all the fuss was about.

Excellent , thank you both .

Thanks both of you, its a great resource that deserves to be preserved.

Maybe I flatter myself, but I’d like to think I played a small part in facilitating this happy ending :slight_smile:

Great work Hans and Eva.

How great that the saga has had a happy ending.
We continue to benefit from Eva’s experience.

GOOD news indeed! Thanks to all involved, especially Eva for sharing such a treasure trove of composite knowledge!

A vast storehouse of knowledge preserved.

There’s just one problem with her new site: no place to donate. Her old site had a Paypal button for donations, it would be nice to have that available again. is now secured using https!
Like any decent website these days.