And how big a wave can a planshape like that handle? I would worry about the wide tail catching but that’s just a gut reaction.
Always enjoy your posts, Solo. Take it easy,
The hybrid tip and basic spray is a 6’8’’ and the Rude boy is a 5’8’'. The rails will hold on a pretty big wave. Rounded bottoms with dulled rail edges exept for the last few inches of the tail for release. Thats as a single. You can add quite a few fin configurations to these including our new Bonfire set up ( reversed rake bonzer fins and smaller center spitfire)
If you have read much of what I write…anti institutions, anti collective thinking and anti industry…plus pro individuality, pro freedom, and pro working together as a group of individuals without hype…that might begin with my personal Revolution. However…the Revolution I like best is one that someone holds true for themselves as an individual. Even if it’s opposed to my own. Kind of like Jonathan Livingston Seagull…a flock of individuals dedicated to learning more and being the best. Slay the herd…Viva la revolucion or instead of join a Revolution…start…" your " Revolution.
As for eighties…ha ha…these are the 21st century …slam dance on acropolis…tear down metropolis version.
Thanks to Tim Stamps for shaping two nice surfboards and Larry for putting in the fins with red pigment around the boxes.
beautiful boards man,i made one similar to the rude boy awhile back but with less nose rocker and hard as knife rails all the way up past the side fins.i thought it would be too much tail and too much fin creating some drag,i just wanted to see what WOULD happen,the thing is ugly as all hell but wow,it comes of the bottom faster than any board i have ever ridden and literally turns on a dime however does drag alot thru flat sections unless i can build up the speed prior la revolution!
beautiful boards man,i made one similar to the rude boy awhile back but with less nose rocker and hard as knife rails all the way up past the side fins.i thought it would be too much tail and too much fin creating some drag,i just wanted to see what WOULD happen,the thing is ugly as all hell but wow,it comes of the bottom faster than any board i have ever ridden and literally turns on a dime however does drag alot thru flat sections unless i can build up the speed prior la revolution!
Try dulling the edges exept for the last six inches of tail and it should hold better in the pocket. The edges do make it more slippery though and some like that.
Alright Solo, This is my first look at the finished boards. They look insane with nice color and polish work. Tim did a great job. Can’t wait to see the fins in the boards. Mahalo, Larry