Looking for more infomation and photos of boards built the year I was born (1973).
‘73 was almost the end of twin fins, the start of Stingers, lots of 7’ single fins, the new Bonzers came out, and multi fin boards were mostly singles with small side runners for a pivot point.
do a search for “Sea Dart” in the archives, its my 1973 single fin. in 1973 most Aussie boards were still single fins.
I’m afraid that won’t be of much help… Anyway, here’s my quiver, back in 1973 (caption at the back of the photo):
go to the catalogue , click on the numbers to the right of the boards under ‘1973’ entry and
" bingo !!!"
… visual delights , WITH heaps of info on each board …
And , look at lots of other year’s boards , too …
Geoff Cato has done a good job correlating all the stuff .
thanks , ‘GEOFF’ [here]
hope this helps !’
This seems to fit the profile given by Lee DD.
Can’t give you a date on it though.
Damn… I went to the surf research catalog, and apparently nobody made any surfboards the year I was born, 1977. Bummer.
I am not sure if this board is from 73 or not, but I am almost positive it is from the early 70’s so maybe 73 is it. Anyway, it is one of my boards and it’s in another thread so here’s the link: http://www.swaylocks.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=215588;search_string=plastic%20fantastic;guest=4793202#215588
Since these pics it has been completely fixed and it totally water tight. I still haven’t ridden it yet though, thanks to poor timing on the swells and such. Anyway, enjoy!