boards patent

hey guys found this on ebay… maybe we need to see if the things like removable fins or wings or concaves… or split boards are really patented well enough!

Patents are only good for seven years, then anyone can build it.

20 years.

that explains very clearly why ive never taken out a patent …

as soon as you patent something you give the whole world, years of hard work and R&D on a plate …

unless you have the resources to take someone to court for infringing on your patent , there useless …they are good for simple concepts that are easy to copy as soon as someone sees the finished product and says "why didnt i think of that " …then a patent can work …

better keep your doors closed …



Just the same reason why the Coca-Cola Recipe isn’t patented. Its a trade secret.

maybe registering a trademark is better?


A patent on a board design. What a bunch of BS. Hey! I just took out a patent on how to tie a shoe lace, you guys better not tie your shoes that way!!! stop it!!! or I’ll…I’ll…