BOARDWORKS: Yes, they snap, of course. PIC

Master, always showing us the way…

In this case, a BOARDWORKS log split in 2. You can see the famous ‘not-full-sandwich’ tech and the ‘triple-kind-of-stringer’ tech

reminds me of when you buy a sushi roll, but the prawn or salmon or tuna or whatever finishes halfway. not everything is what it seems.

More boardworks

I recently did a bit of surgery on a buddies NSP mini mal, it had buckled, stupid I didn’t take pictures of it… anyway, the buckle was noticable in cracks at the rail which you could follow a small buckle line across the deck. Funny thing was, I only noticed while unwaxing a portion of the board to repair a different ding. The owner hadn’t noticed it yet. Anyway, I got curious and opened up the rail cracks to find that the (big bead) eps foam had been sheared loose, just free beads in there all along the buckle. The bottom of the board had no visible damage so I suspect this damage didn’t occur suddenly but slowly over time. I fixed it up by removing all the broken material I could (without removing the whole deck as the owner didn’t want that - not worth it to do MAJOR repair work) and filled with chopped fiber and microspheres, re shaped the rail en glassed over with a couple of patches around the ding area. Board has regained stiffness and the filled resin should lock up much of the loose bead under the deck area… anyway, long story short, these production big bead eps boards seem to be very susceptible to flex damage, very unlike my experience with tightbead eps custom boards… what y’all think?

That’s been my experience, too, but I can’t explain why. I think bigger beads are just generally looser material, even though it may be the same density???

I saw this SUP one at Uncle Buffs contest…

When I saw the inside I thought Huh??? Even a rail ding and you’d be sunk…

All boards can break but some a lot easier than others… I recently had one of mine break on a customer. It had an absolutely pathetic glass job where the cloth wasn’t even wet out good… It was really hard to tell as it was a yellow board… When it broke you could see how sh*tty the glass job was. I ate it and offered a new board as a replacement. Luckily the customer understood the dilema with a certain glasser we used to use who has been doing less than quality work and not supporting us on it.

The customer is now getting something that is strong and looks good too. Short cuts in quality always lead to weak boards… I mean, look at that hollow board above… How can that thing NOT BREAK??

I think solid Koa would hold up. Might be a little harder to get in and out of the water .

I was visiting my friend when he arrived home from Honolulu with that board for his friend. I examined it, and thought, this board looks used. The next day, we went for a surf. Those guys take some crazy waves on their SUPs, we’re talking late drops, behind the peak, on close outs. After seeing that display of boards dragging bodies, I thought to myself, “these guys are gonna break em”. I don’t know the details of the break, but I do know these guys will ride them at a close to shore beachbreak. Here’s the equation to solve, Suspect Board + Beach Break = Snap, true or false? I’ve seen a guy down here at Cardiff break one also, he got drilled and the nose drove into the shallow sand. End of story? Not a chance, the guy just goes into his van and paddles out on another one, and proceeded to run over two little kids on boogies.

I’d have to say, though…

I’d rather ride that Boardworks than a Surftech.

All boards break. All boards get rail dings. So what - you gonna carry it around or surf it?

I’ve surfed quite a few Surftechs and their stiff, cork limitations (for longboards) are well-documented. I even built a 10’0 with a full d-cell wrap and it was stiff & crappy to ride.

I think, with the high density stuff stopping short of a full compound curve, that Boardworks probably was fine to ride. I have 3 friends who are good surfers and swear by their 10’ Bruce Jones (BW), 10’ Bob Miller (BW) and 10’2 Ben Aipa (BW). And hese guys know what they’re doing. I don’t know anyone with that kind of dedication to a Surftech model, really.

I don’t work for them (obviously) but I do know a bit about composite surfboards. And a lot of what I know, I learned from Bob Miller, who pretty much spec’d the tech that BW would use. And I’d rather surf that board with the skins & stringers stopping short than anything with PVC all around it.

PVC shells are for sailboards, not surfboards.

If it breaks…hope it was a good wave and then go get another.

Hi carve Nalu -

Is that S-core technology?

Not sure what that thing is… I saw the guy snap it paddling over a white water…

It’s kind of like inside-out S-Core. I wonder which one came first.

pau…aloha and mahalo!