Bob Mctavish on ABC (oz) radio.

Bob Mctavish will be the guest on conversation hour on ABC local radio in Australia tomorrow from eleven am.

These conversations are also available as pod cast after the event as well.

I think the address is

Should be interesting.



thanks daren !

can you / did you tape it , please ?

i’d love to hear it

...did you see the size of foot related to fin placement and tail width article that he wrote for the latest issue of Surfing World , by the way ?



… i’m looking forward to meeting you very soon mate !!

hi Guys the Conversation/Interview with McT is regarding the release of Bob’s new book release titled,“Stoked”

Contained in a feed called “Conversations”,I found on ABC Radio-Melbourne,Unfortunately,you don’t seem to be able to fast forward to the

McTavish interview.Go to


How did you get onto the fact “Mc T” was being interviewed today “Entity”?

I listen to conversations everyday while working and the host mentioned the interview.When the hip hop and dance music on triple J start getting to me I flip over to ABC. Man i must be getting old.


No worries Chip, You should be able to hear it at 11 over your way. I think they delay the broadcast to keep in sync with Perth.

Sorry for the broken link try this one.


I listen to conversations everyday while working and the host mentioned the interview.When the hip hop and dance music on triple J start getting to me I flip over to ABC. Man i must be getting old.



ahhh yesss ....i remember the days when they [triple jay] used to play "rock and roll"]


  simon used to be the surf reporter then .


  doug mulray and i forget who else were the dj 's


  my brother got a gig in wonthaggi doing radio ...wildy would remember it !!


      only nine days till you arrive here daz , you must be looking forward to it , eh ?


    cheers !



the ABC,I consider it the “new cool” of radio. . .

The FM band,is full of young crew (usually 2-3 on air together) trying to “out-funny”,each other.All that Triple J had to offer was Roy & H.G’s-“This Sporting Life”

The “play lists” have improved outta sight,& the conversation topics actually expand ones thinking. . .

Just looking at the people who are “on air” these days around Australia is fantasic, & some are SURF MAD to boot

And quite a few Regional ABC stations near the water,actually do daily “surf reports”.

So, to the ABC, rock on guys. . . .

Mc Tavish’s conversation on the ABC was a great laid back 20 mins-was wondering how long before George Greenough (Bob called him a “mysto”) got a

mention when the Design Evolution of Surfboards was discussed.George was glossed over re his influence & imput into Mc T’s own evolution as a

Designer/Shaper,in my view.

But a great interview,with a great contributer,to our sport / LIFESTYLE,non the less