.........Bob "Spinner" Loos.......R.I.P. ...........................

A dear friend has passed on…of mine… and of many.

Bob was probably the best surfer in the world…Those that knew him would agree.

More details to be read on the Harbour site: www.harboursurfshop.com

If someone knows Steve Boehne and Chris Schroeder,they too should be notified.

Sorry for the downside guys…let the games continue.


Peet an repeet.

hey herb

did this Bob Loos surf seal beach and ray bay

I looked on the Harbour website didnt find anything, I will look again

I know a lot of Bob’s out there but last names are meaningless to me

I just know em by “teacher Bob”, “short Bob”, “older Bob”, and “the other Bob”

but my condolances go out to you and family for such a lost

Sorry about your buddy, Herb. Mike

My Brother Ray Posted more details on Harbour’s discussion board.

Look-up: surf talk and click in.

Thanks for your responses.

Just shortly before his own departure…

Bob was dealing w/ his mom and dad’s illness’,and their passing on…He real didn’t get in the water much in the last 10 years or so.

It’s really ashame that the surfing industry never reconized his great abilities,IT HAPPENS,.Have a nice day !


He gave me my first beer at age 13. That guy was the coolest. The world seems a bit colder now. R.I.P. Spinner Bob. I have a picture of him and Dennis fighting over money somewhere. I think they were pissing on $100.00 bills. You had to be there.

Herb, remember Bob’s van? You know the one. The 50’s Dodge service van with the tacked on i-beams all around. My dad thought the police were going to haul him away for it. I can still remember his maniacal laugh when he told me that a yuppie hit his van a few weeks after installing the i-beams. He’s also the reason why so many people had large collections of fins from 1" and up. With those small fins, he’d do 3 of his sideslip 360’s before the average guy could even stand up.

Hey Chris !


I wish we had more time together… but such as life.

I would like to say thanks from the Hegstroms.Dave was really stoked that sooo many people showed.Dave expressed his graditude to me about you showing up,man.

I had a great day!!! Even got covered at OLDMAN’S…YEAH !..How many times does that happen ?

We need to keep in touch,I plan on surfing more in the years to come,my friend.

If it wasn’t for Bob…we probably wouldn’t even have met.

Thank you Bob Loos.

Thank you Chris Schroeder.


Likewise Herb. You are looking good and healthy. Keep it up! We’ll surf more for sure! We’re a long way off from being done my friend. I may surf like a decrepit old man nowadays, but we’ll keep surfing 'till we’re old and stupid! :slight_smile:

I was tired after surfing for 4 hours before the paddle. I figured I met Bob in the water, I might as well pay my respects in the same fashion with a marathon session. Bob was the coolest cat around. Lots of good LoLo stories. Those were good times that I’ll never forget.

You were ripping bra !

I got some 200 yarders…it was a great day !