Bojorquez / Liddle eggs

hi there, last year I got myself in addition to my 10’0" yater spoon an 8’0" Scott Anderson ‘Bojorquez’ eggshape, designed by Steve Krajewski (as featured in recent longboardmag).It has a really far forward moved True Ames Greenough flex fin. It’s totally forward rail turning and trimming and super fast - I really like it a lot because it rides so different and special compared to other shapes I know. As I recently stumbled along Gregg Liddle’s website I got the impression that his eggshapes (particularily the california pointbreak planshape)are a lot like the Bojorquez. In fact I heard Steve Krajewski was riding Liddle hulls at malibu in the 70’s. Since I’m thinking of getting a 7’0" version of that displacement hull/ flex fin concept to complement my quiver I would like to know if there’s anyone who knows both the Bojorquez and Liddle eggs and who could comment on how they differ. Which design is the more radical version of the displacement hull driven by a Greenough flex fin concept? About the glassing: the Bojorquez comes with double 8 oz. volan glassing on top whereas Liddle in his website puts a lot of emphasis on the importance of flex and therefore uses only single 6oz. volan. Any comments on that? aloha flo

hi there, last year I got myself in addition to my 10’0" yater spoon > an 8’0" Scott Anderson ‘Bojorquez’ eggshape, designed by Steve > Krajewski (as featured in recent longboardmag).It has a really far forward > moved True Ames Greenough flex fin. It’s totally forward rail turning and > trimming and super fast - I really like it a lot because it rides so > different and special compared to other shapes I know. As I recently > stumbled along Gregg Liddle’s website I got the impression that his > eggshapes (particularily the california pointbreak planshape)are a lot > like the Bojorquez. In fact I heard Steve Krajewski was riding Liddle > hulls at malibu in the 70’s. Since I’m thinking of getting a 7’0" > version of that displacement hull/ flex fin concept to complement my > quiver I would like to know if there’s anyone who knows both the Bojorquez > and Liddle eggs and who could comment on how they differ. Which design is > the more radical version of the displacement hull driven by a Greenough > flex fin concept? About the glassing: the Bojorquez comes with double 8 > oz. volan glassing on top whereas Liddle in his website puts a lot of > emphasis on the importance of flex and therefore uses only single 6oz. > volan. Any comments on that? aloha flo i ride a liddle, but not a steve K. first off the liddle is not an egg. all i know is that greg’s board (i ride something in between his CA point break and Inbetweener) is fantastic. much better riding frontside, but backside is also a trip. hoping to take it out in some sizeable surf this fall. greg used to shape boards for a guy at my local break in the 60s at malibu – guy knew the lines right away. i have seen jimmy gamboa surf a liddle hull – never seen anything like it. the speed. the smoothe turns. prob very similar boards. mine is a 7’6". depends where you surf and how you surf on the style/size.

hi there, last year I got myself in addition to my 10’0" yater spoon > an 8’0" Scott Anderson ‘Bojorquez’ eggshape, designed by Steve > Krajewski (as featured in recent longboardmag).It has a really far forward > moved True Ames Greenough flex fin. It’s totally forward rail turning and > trimming and super fast - I really like it a lot because it rides so > different and special compared to other shapes I know. As I recently > stumbled along Gregg Liddle’s website I got the impression that his > eggshapes (particularily the california pointbreak planshape)are a lot > like the Bojorquez. In fact I heard Steve Krajewski was riding Liddle > hulls at malibu in the 70’s. Since I’m thinking of getting a 7’0" > version of that displacement hull/ flex fin concept to complement my > quiver I would like to know if there’s anyone who knows both the Bojorquez > and Liddle eggs and who could comment on how they differ. Which design is > the more radical version of the displacement hull driven by a Greenough > flex fin concept? About the glassing: the Bojorquez comes with double 8 > oz. volan glassing on top whereas Liddle in his website puts a lot of > emphasis on the importance of flex and therefore uses only single 6oz. > volan. Any comments on that? aloha flo Florian, Visit Bob Duncan`s website: email him at: or call: 1(805)962-9518 Wilderness Surfboards is the original home of George Greenough designs, and Bob has been interpreting, creating and testing these completely unique surfcraft for over 30 years. Dale

I checked out the Liddle website and the CA pointbreak board looks awesome…I think that I would like to try building one along those lines. The side view looks like there is minimal rocker on nose and tail. Does anyone have any idea what sort of numbers are actually used? And what are the rails shaped like? Any info would be appreciated. thanx

Are “Bojorquez” and “Steve Kraejeski(sp?)” one and the same? If so, he was an employee of and test rider for Greg Liddle for many years. They worked on the refinement of a design that has changed very little in 25 years. I have an older model (#1904) that was custom made for my brother that measures: length: 7’10" width: 22 1/4" (6" ahead of center) nose: 17" tail: 14 1/4" thickness: 3 3/8" thickness (n) 1 3/4" thickness (t) 1 3/4" rocker (n) 5" rocker (t) 1 3/4" belly (n) 1" belly (mid) 1 1/4" belly/vee (t) 3/8" I apologize if any of these numbers are inexact - I just eyeballed them using a yardstick and calipers. The fin is a standard Liddle flex fin. In smooth lined up point break waves (i.e. Malibu/Rincon) these boards are a gas. I suspect that the boards referred to on this thread are an extension of this design.>>> Florian,>>> Visit Bob Duncan`s website:>>> email him at: >>> or call: 1(805)962-9518>>> Wilderness Surfboards is the original home of George Greenough designs, > and Bob has been interpreting, creating and testing these completely > unique surfcraft for over 30 years.>>> Dale

John: Can you elaborate on how you took the N,M & Tail belly measurments. Yardstick across the stringer and then measured at rail edge? I’m about to work on a 7’2" egg for myself and this is an interesting bottom contour to consider. Thanks! Tom>>> Are “Bojorquez” and “Steve Kraejeski(sp?)” one and the > same? If so, he was an employee of and test rider for Greg Liddle for many > years. They worked on the refinement of a design that has changed very > little in 25 years. I have an older model (#1904) that was custom made for > my brother that measures:>>> length: 7’10" width: 22 1/4" (6" ahead of center) nose: > 17" tail: 14 1/4" thickness: 3 3/8" thickness (n) 1 > 3/4" thickness (t) 1 3/4" rocker (n) 5" rocker (t) 1 > 3/4" belly (n) 1" belly (mid) 1 1/4" belly/vee (t) > 3/8">>> I apologize if any of these numbers are inexact - I just eyeballed them > using a yardstick and calipers. The fin is a standard Liddle flex fin. In > smooth lined up point break waves (i.e. Malibu/Rincon) these boards are a > gas. I suspect that the boards referred to on this thread are an extension > of this design.

Tom - Yes, that’s how I estimated the belly. With the bottom up, I laid a stright edge across the stringer and measured from the bottom of the straight edge to the rail edge. The rails are down in the tail, about 60/40 in the middle and 50/50 in the nose. I would say that they are pretty pinched eggs rails in relation to the thickness at the stringer. The deck through the tail is what I would call a dome deck - again, fairly thick along the stringer tapering to a thin down rail. If you have any specific questions like thickness in other areas or whatever, feel free. John>>> John:>>> Can you elaborate on how you took the N,M & Tail belly measurments. > Yardstick across the stringer and then measured at rail edge? I’m about to > work on a 7’2" egg for myself and this is an interesting bottom > contour to consider. Thanks!>>> Tom

hi there, last year I got myself in addition to my 10’0" yater spoon > an 8’0" Scott Anderson ‘Bojorquez’ eggshape, designed by Steve > Krajewski (as featured in recent longboardmag).It has a really far forward > moved True Ames Greenough flex fin. It’s totally forward rail turning and > trimming and super fast - I really like it a lot because it rides so > different and special compared to other shapes I know. As I recently > stumbled along Gregg Liddle’s website I got the impression that his > eggshapes (particularily the california pointbreak planshape)are a lot > like the Bojorquez. In fact I heard Steve Krajewski was riding Liddle > hulls at malibu in the 70’s. Since I’m thinking of getting a 7’0" > version of that displacement hull/ flex fin concept to complement my > quiver I would like to know if there’s anyone who knows both the Bojorquez > and Liddle eggs and who could comment on how they differ. Which design is > the more radical version of the displacement hull driven by a Greenough > flex fin concept? About the glassing: the Bojorquez comes with double 8 > oz. volan glassing on top whereas Liddle in his website puts a lot of > emphasis on the importance of flex and therefore uses only single 6oz. > volan. Any comments on that? aloha flo In the late 60’s film Cosmic Children, Steve Krajewski is shown riding a couple of waves at Malibu along with J Riddle and others.

steve k. is also steve b.yes, he was instrumental in the development and refinement of liddle displacement hulled boards.the bojorquez is basically a copy of one of steve’s 8’0" liddles.i can tell you however, the rocker, deckshape and rails are different than a liddle.close, but different.yes, they trim fast but don,t surf like or have the feeling of a liddle, due to the afore mentioned differences and the heavier glassing.(steve likes the heavier glassing cause of the momentum it seems to give the board)i personally prefer liddle’s way of glassing - the board has more feeling,etc. i do glass my longboards heavy though. i know scott anderson has refined the bojorquez some and has come up with a nice 7,0" version.since you have one already, i suggest you get a liddle to experience the real deal.another option is to get paul gross to shape you a stubbie.he worked with liddle and greenough and puts a little of each into his interpretation of hulled boards.(don’t bother with wilderness-they aint what they used to be)

steve k. is also steve b.yes, he was instrumental in the development and > refinement of liddle displacement hulled boards.the bojorquez is basically > a copy of one of steve’s 8’0" liddles.i can tell you however, the > rocker, deckshape and rails are different than a liddle.close, but > different.yes, they trim fast but don,t surf like or have the feeling of a > liddle, due to the afore mentioned differences and the heavier > glassing.(steve likes the heavier glassing cause of the momentum it seems > to give the board)i personally prefer liddle’s way of glassing - the board > has more feeling,etc. i do glass my longboards heavy though.>>> i know scott anderson has refined the bojorquez some and has come up with > a nice 7,0" version.since you have one already, i suggest you get a > liddle to experience the real deal.another option is to get paul gross to > shape you a stubbie.he worked with liddle and greenough and puts a little > of each into his interpretation of hulled boards.(don’t bother with > wilderness-they aint what they used to be) yeah, i saw guy at p.v. cove riding a paul gross displacement hull although i don’t know if it was a stubbie ( i don’t know what a stubbie is). do you know how to get in contact with paul gross? about the bojorquez/liddle: could you maybe specify how they differ in rocker, rails and deckshape and how it makes the liddle feel different? aloha flo

On the website “Blast Kneeboards” you will find a link to “Project Velo” which features a reproduction model of a Greenough Spoon by Paul Gross. He is charging $1500 a pop for an authorized copy of Velo. He has provided several photos of a board in progress and you can see why $1500 isn’t unreasonable. You will also find Paul’s E-Mail address on the site.>>> In the late 60’s film Cosmic Children, Steve Krajewski is shown riding a > couple of waves at Malibu along with J Riddle and others.

On the website “Blast Kneeboards” you will find a link to > “Project Velo” which features a reproduction model of a > Greenough Spoon by Paul Gross. And a very, very cool website by the way. Thanks for turning us onto it John.

Flo:the template is the same as an 8’0" liddle that steve had.the difference is the glass is heavier, the rais aren’t as thin or neutral,the tail has a tad more rocker, the deck isn’t as domed or “s’d”, theoverall foil of the borojquez is flatter, they don’t roll over on the rail as much as a liiddle and they just don’t feel as " alive" as a liidle due to the glassing.they look similar but the performance is decidedly different.i have riidden each and the difference is obvious- no negatifity intende towqards scott andersen who makes the borojquez, it’s just tht greg builds boards for those who are committed to triding that type of board,while scott has tkaen the liddle and made it a little more “user friendly” for people wanting to ride in that manner. ie,take off, bury the rail with both feet,project out of th turn, set the rail and trim along with the wave until it dissapates.

On the website “Blast Kneeboards” you will find a link to > “Project Velo” which features a reproduction model of a > Greenough Spoon by Paul Gross. He is charging $1500 a pop for an > authorized copy of Velo. He has provided several photos of a board in > progress and you can see why $1500 isn’t unreasonable. You will also find > Paul’s E-Mail address on the site. right on! i have ridden Paul’s boards for years and they rip! needless to say i have purchased a new greenough spoon built by Paul.i have had the opportunity to watch him build the beautiful machines from start to finish and believe me$1500.00 is cheap! especially when you consider that paul actually built many of greenogh’s personal spoons. there are only two people in the world that can build them to the “t”, paul and of course george. he should be getting $2500.00 a pop. matt

flo: yes, i know how to get in touch with paul.however, if you want a board it may be a while, eg, three months, before he has the time as he is wrapped up in completing the "velo project"the amount of work that goes into one of those spoons is unbelievable-and paul does it all by hand from start to finish- making a fin panel for each board.cutting out and foiling the fin, laying up all the layers of glass on the board and gind/sand, grind/sand until the correct amount of flex in the board is achieved,etc.,, paul is sooo meticulous, he spends an inordinary amount of time on a board he is building until he is satisfied with the results.

flo:>>> yes, i know how to get in touch with paul.however, if you want a board it > may be a while, eg, three months, before he has the time as he is wrapped > up in completing the "velo project"the amount of work that goes > into one of those spoons is unbelievable-and paul does it all by hand from > start to finish- making a fin panel for each board.cutting out and foiling > the fin, laying up all the layers of glass on the board and gind/sand, > grind/sand until the correct amount of flex in the board is > achieved,etc.,, paul is sooo meticulous, he spends an inordinary > amount of time on a board he is building until he is satisfied with the > results. oh yeah, if you are interested let me know what you have in mind and i’ll pass it along to paul and we’ll take it from there.matt

oh yeah, if you are interested let me know what you have in mind and i’ll > pass it along to paul and we’ll take it from there.matt thanks matt that would be way cool, i have to think it over - you definitely pretty much answered my question about the difference between bojorquez/ liddle shapes. now i really would like to know what the specific characteristics of paul’s hulls are. Since you seem pretty knowledgeable about displacement hull type of boards i also would be really curious what kind of longboard shapes you like to ride(if you do ride them) aloha flo

I remembered a great article in longboarder vol.1#2 page 72 mid- lengths the fuctional underground by paul gross it covers a lot of info on Liddle and Steve Krajewski aka. Bohorquez.Same mag. has a humorus story on the Pool Guy a little back round on myself. later Kirk

I remembered a great article in longboarder vol.1#2 page 72 mid- lengths > the fuctional underground by paul gross it covers a lot of info on Liddle > and Steve Krajewski aka. Bohorquez.Same mag. has a humorus story on the > Pool Guy a little back round on myself. later Kirk Hey Pool Guy!A little background is right.Should I tell the whole story? p.s. how did you like Chris Malloy,s new movie??