Bollocks on the family tree
The January issue of Surfing Magazine includes a giant advertisement for Surf Tech that’s a two page fold out called “shapers: A family Tree: The future of surfing is in their hands…the future of surfboards is in ours” What a pretentious way to use a play on words to cover deceit.
Keeping things objective…How did Surf Tech become the sage of Surfboard Builders and Surfing Magazine the institution that decides who is worthy as a shaper or not? Why put together a list that you admit is not accurate? Knowing full well that the only thing the targeted novice surfer reading the ad will notice are those names in print. I wonder what the criteria for getting adopted into this so called family tree actually is? Could it be: Who you know; how many ads you have placed; or your standing with those placing the ads?
I also find it amusing that some of the individuals on the list don’t even build surfboards but simply sell them and legitimate shapers that have made contributions to the industry in board design are not included.
It reminds me of that interview with Johnny Rotten of the Punk band “The Sex Pistols” when he was discussing the Rock and Roll hall of fame and not wanting to be inducted into it. He said the Rock and Roll hall of fame wanted nothing to do with his band until they were influential and joked about the Hall of fame being a mausoleum instead of a museum. He went on to say that he didn’t need any corporate sod telling artist who had worked hard for their accomplishments how they fit into the scheme of things and didn’t need an institution making itself the standard of judgment. I think the old boy had more insight than Surfing Magazine/Surf Tech and most of those surfers who read that stuff and believe it’s anything other than someone’s calculated opinion.
As for the shapers on the list…I hope you got paid by Surf Tech for them using your names in their ad and claiming they are the future of surfboards and not you. Institutions like Surf Tech and Surfing Magazine are the enemy of surfing and surfboard builders not the future. I’ll toss my lot in with those shapers who have struggled for years to create something that is now copied by cheap Asian labor…not the trade magazine jackals that feed off the art while it’s riding high in popularity. Usually at the expense of the shapers with real credibility and talent.
In the words of Johnny Rotten…Bollocks.
Here is the John Lydon interview…it’s worth a look…everytime he mentions the Rock and Roll hall of fame or music industry…think Surf industry or Surfers Hall of fame and etc.