bonzer rails

Since I haven’t had the pleasure of holding a Campbell Bros in my hands I was wondering how hard the rails are or should be in the tail?

I am in the intial planning stages of a 6’-6" “shelter” style bonzer 5. I began wondering if really hard, square rails with a resin bead (as on your “standard” 6’-2" hi performance thruster) would keep the board’s tail planing high and prevent the runners from setting properly?

Any bonzer experts out there want to share their know how?

they don’t. infact my frienbd amde one and he forgot to do the resin bead and it sucked in turning and speed going left but was pretty fast, though it grabbed and bogged to hard in turns, going right.

So you’re saying the hard, square rail with the bead works?

I had a look at my 7’6" CB egg 5 fin. The rails are not as hard in the tail as a thruster, Starting at the center of the center fin about 1/16 of an inch tuck slightly reducing at the end of the back fin and more round at the rear as the hit the back of the concave.

What you might not be aware of is a significant amount of Vee in the last 12 “. I cant measure it accurately but I guess its at least 1/4”. The concaves are slightly shallower as they hit the tail.

If anyone could throw exact numbers in for a shortboard bonzer I’d be grateful, I’m shaping a 6’10" 5 fin next week

yes, it worked a lot better with the resin bead.

the campel bros bonzers i have seen have very edgy, boxy rails in the tail. a hard edge followed by a verticle rail almost until it hits the deck where it curves over. most boxy, hard rails in the surf shop!


the campel bros bonzers i have seen have very edgy, boxy rails in the tail. a hard edge followed by a verticle rail almost until it hits the deck where it curves over. most boxy, hard rails in the surf shop!

I have 2 MC’s Bonzers and poser516 is dead on.




Any comment on the Vee, How much & where does it start ?


BTW, That pic I posted is a profile guage of my 7’6" CB 5 fin egg taken on rail at Center of Center Fin, Rear of Cenetr Fin and last 1" of rail.

What I can tell you is that the concave is fairly deep (not as much as an Eaton) but more than most.

Its starts about 30" up from the tail on a 7 '6" and about 28" on my 7’0".

How deep are we talking? 1/4" or more? All the way out the back?

The attched diagram has the data, all measurements fairly accurate, the concave depth in the tail is relative to the stringer.

A single concave upfront is barely discernable and certainly not measureable.

BTW. This board flies

I’ll try to measure it this week and/or get a pic with a straight edge on it.



I got to have a look at a guy’s 7’1 Campbell 5-fin Indo semi-gun, I was impressed at how far the edge carried up from the tail, at least 2/3 of the way up the board and even the rails in the nose area were fairly down. It was blended and tucked in, but still a much harder edge mid-board than most. I tried this on my “Fantail” Bonzer 3 and was really impressed at how much drive and speed it seems to add.