
There’s a lot going on with the Bonzer design down under these days…
Love the Bonzer design.

Here’s a Bonzer 5 that I shaped today…

Looks good York!
Those channels look pretty deep?
Your bonzer thread years ago inspired me to do my own.

The lights make the channels look a bit deeper then they are, however they are on the deep side mate.

Damn thats some craftsmenship there!

Would love to here how it goes in the water!

Props to you

That’s it? That’s all ya got? HAHA - seriously, that is some impressive shaping Yorky! Beautiful pics with the side lighting too.

damn, sounds like a challenge my friend :)…


Beautiful work. I’ve always wanted to try a channel bottom. It’s the glassing that scares me.

Here’s a few shot of the bottom lamination.
It’s so refreshing glassing outside, I haven’t done it for years.
Making boards at home is nice, better then in a stinky factory ha.

This board is the first that I have used fcs ‘B5’ side bonzer fins. I always wanted to give em a go.
Also I tracked down this bonzer 6" back fin.
… I chose all removal fins mainly cause i’m starting to keep my boards, diary style-and make it easier to chop and change things,blar blar blar anyway.

Some night time glassing, roll the dice, bugs, pooling etc.
I would like to have this one ready for easter 4 day weekend.

Epoxy can cause allergic responses when uncured. Once cured, compounds of resin and hardener should have fully reacted to form final product, eliminating allergens.

PE has lots of nasty VOCs you do not want to inhale or absorb through your sking. After resin and catalyst have reacted, should be fine.

3am deck filler
I woke up this morning expecting more the a few bugs in the epoxy.
I think I got lucky.

How did you find glassing the channels? Whats the key?

I don’t really consider them as channels as such.
Compared to 6 deep clinkers with double flyers, what I have here is a walk in the park.
key?.. Tips mmm don’t let the resin pool under the cloth, and don’t pull the lap wrap to hard (so it doesn’t lift the glass un the concave’s)

Here’s a jig I made yesterday for the installation of the Bonzer single fin, 6mm mdf.
It’s a 7" box, shallower (a touch) and narrower then the standard boxes we have here.
The 2 sticks are so I could bridge the concave’s and get the angles right on the side fins.
…Told you I was bored…And FaceBook has gone to the shit-house haha

Bonzer all done… Damn, next time I do this build - i’ll keep in mind , the work required on the next step haha
All good at the end of the day.
You can’t see the rails, however the rails are super nice (for me)

Wowsers, i call dibs, if you ever sell that one.

2 thumbs up…

Fair enough!

Looks awsome, Cant wait for the ride report!