My quad is V/double/single. It is a fish shape rather than a shortboard template. Rocker is mild of course. I suspect it might translate well to your efforts. Others will know more.
Below is a 5-10 “high-performance” quad that I shaped a few weeks ago. It got it’s maiden voyage during Ernesto and worked awesome in well overhead, hollow waves. The bottom has a deep single concave with slight vee out the tail. Hope that helps.
To be honest, I wanted to see what all the hype was about with these cole/stretch quads (without paying $700). So I made it to the dimensions that Stretch uses. I think he says he uses a deep single with vee out the tail on his website. The outline is pretty similar to what you described…5’10" X 12.25" X 18.8" X 14.75". Thickness is 2[=Black][=1] 3/8". [ 2][ 2]I glassed it very light…(4+4oz on deck)…so it’s already got plenty of pressure dents.
As far as performace, I love it. I’m not just saying that. I was very skeptical of all the hype surrounding these boards, but hey…this one works! Maybe it’s even better than a stretch…(haha…just kidding…Its only my fourth board so I have a long way to go). It’s fast and very loose. I let a few friends try it out as well and they were all in agreement that it rips! I put the futures Vector II quads on it and I would definitely say it’s one of the best shortboards I’ve ridden. I thought it would be undergunned for Ernesto in Jersey, but it handled extremely well in the steep overhead waves. Plans are already underway to make another, with the only changes being thicker glass on the deck and slightly more rocker in the nose. Other than that, I wouldn’t change a thing.
Actually, I did make an annoying, (rookie) mistake on this. When installing the futures boxes, I used trailer boxes for the two rear fins. This is a no-no…I wasn’t thinking. All four boxes are side boxes. It is very painful to have to sand down a brand new set of beautiful $60 Vectors. But it worked out and they now fit like a glove. Do not make this mistake![/]
Thanks for the pic and info. I don;t think this is a hijack of the thread?
I think the dims and outline for my #00002 is begging for a quad retrofit (5’11" x 10 1/2" x 18 1/8" x 14 1/2" x 2 1/8"). Fast and loose but hard to keep the almost 15" tail in the water for the roundhouse/rebound. Unintentional tailslides has me babying my drawn out turns. Tried diff fins set ups but not much better results.
Adding a 2 more fins to this one will be a project after #00004 is done.