A question generated by the new dent and crack under the nose my new long board this morning.
What materials would you choose for a board to maximize resistance to dents?
(not deck pressure dents, ones on the bottom)
I usually do a daily early DP at a rocky beach break near my home, and I’m always denting up the bottom of my boards.
(I know, don’t hit the rocks). I try. But I sometimes, at low tide, I don’t see one.
Or I get greedy, stay on the wave too long and loose my board.
(this happens more when I wear a leash than without.)
After about 2 years of use, all my boards end up badly dented.
This one was made from a very lightly shaped Clark supergreen blank with standard triple 6 poly glassing and gloss.
Pretty strong I would think, but only 6 months old and already no longer beautiful.
Would adding a second layer on the bottom ( on my next one) help? Be a reasonable tradeoff for the weight?
Or should I consider asking for alternative materials? More layers of glass with Epoxy resin? How about AST resin?
EPS foam? What’s more important? Flexibility of the outer shell? Hardness? Ability of the foam to rebound?
I have lots of local options for custom boards with all of these materials,
but my past experience with epoxy hasn’t convinced me that it was any more durable.