Boycott all surf contest and clothing companies

Time to clean house!throw it all away and start over.

And this idea is just now occuring to you??

Good luck. Being as they are marketed to sixteen year old mall rats in Montana and their ilk, I somehow doubt you’re gonna have much impact on their sales. doc…been wearing Carhartt shorts for years …

Oh good, then there will be no money to pump into the board market, where there is barely a profit now

I think the shapers should put out there own lines. Then we can support the shaper of our choice. I think a great one would be Genious or J.G.P. I don’t see were so called surf clothing has anything to do with surfboard shapers or surfing itself. Ditto on Carrhart.

I saw some “Stewart Shapers Shorts” a few years ago.High price…low quality.Whatever happened to Stewart and the multi page adds they used to buy in magazines?Same thing for Robert August?Just curious…no put downs meant.

All I need is a pair of Birdwell Britches, some tasty tubes and some cool buds to surf with…

All I need is a pair of Birdwell Britches, some tasty tubes and some cool buds to surf with… That would be purple buds…

or window pain or 4 way windowpain— oh the fun dats past!!![smile]

Being a surfer just doesn’t seem as cool as it used to. Or maybe it’s too cool, that’s the problem.

If you had “window pain” you might not have had as much fun as you might have with “windowpane”, an interesting looking glass if ever there was one!

the surf market has exploded cuz of the infulence of snowboarding and the MTV scene. we should really be boycoting the major jerk companies lik BIC for offering pop outs to kids in the midwest.and there should be limited number of pop outs that shapers with contracts should be able to produce like 2 or 3 per shaper per month.

I didn’t think you had crowd, clothing, pop-out problems and stuff like that in Oregon. You may be cold but you are lucky compared to a lot of other places in the world. Catch some empty waves for me.

news flash aug 2005 mtv will announce plans to open Bic international pop-out haven in minnesota lake where installed wave making barges will tone coast line of undisclosed 300acre lake into surf park extrordinaire …OTH surf stars stars formerly unemployed or in rehab will greet the hoards of wanted to bees ,who now are ,into the spacious inns scattered about the lake front.guests will be wisked away to their stellar accomodations by the former bi coastal ocean surfersin electric dune buggies powered by the electricity generaqted by the perfect point and reef breaks constructed along every facet of this freshwater diamond…mosquitos formerly a problem,will be zapped out of existance by neutech industries “parasite eradicator”…in the winter these same aqueous environs will be transformed into the Icescate half pipe downhill wonderland simply out classing the unpredoctable natural waves of the oceans and crowds will disapear as Everyone WHO is any one I MEAN ANYONE…will move to minnesota to reinvest their real estate capital gains in an earthquake hurricane free environment…GO BIC GO MTV remake the world in your own Image…in your old home town…tell em You’re from california or hawaii ,they’ll think you Are a wild an crazy group…really…ambrose …bic dont scare me …they Know bob mac tavish

Ambrose, what you described is what I see as the best possible hope to end overcrowding and the resulting hassles/violence/crime on populated beaches. Peace in our surfing lifetimes, eh? Think about it - 4-6 months a year of regular decent waves in a peaceful environment, with other options in winter. Run that against hoping for a few good days a year at high cost of living and pressure-cooking crowds. It may sound nuts but the technology is pretty much here or could be soon.

MTV…pay me royalties as dreamer in rationality pay my land tax bloated by exodusto flawed pacific coastlinesnflat and un predictable for up to 189 1/2 days a year …oh yea …dont forget …ALL NIGHT LONG>>>>the truely afluent will become the world’s greatest surfers of all time weeding out all the middle to low caste flawed organisms that surely are responsible for the worst…oh yea dont forget the fence…ala sun city …those who would wish to steal waves must be neutralized…waken dreamers waken…life is flawed make the best of what we have…ambrose…get along with each another…boycot the pacific ocean?..move contests to perfect man made surf so all competetitors get equal waves equal size and only on Bic corperate shapes versus Surf tech corperate shapes finally squeezing out these uncontrolable upstarts who dare question true advancements in technology and shaping…a perfect venue …a campo perfecto.for the 21st century…taking reservations now at authorized surf tour pervayors …no 3rd world diseases…no bowie knife enforcers from new jersey or newcastle…pay for 58 consecutive waves and get em…no hassle…just gold…whadda rant thanks t.j. hope you enjoied it…dont boycott nothin go surfin and help the new guys like the old guys helped you

(1) A good hard beat down. a broken leg (2) hog tie em up real tight (3) have gasoline and threaten to bury em alive (4) mask eyes and gag mouth (5) burn destroy board and vehicle. (6) take credit cards, driver`s license, any thing with personal I.D. info. (7) slam em hard and theyll get the meaning of Ranch aloha (8) they tell police and all their friends (9) the result uncrowded waves are sweet

the truely afluent will become the world’s greatest surfers of all time >weeding out all the middle to low caste flawed organisms that surely are >responsible for the worst…oh yea dont forget the fence…ala sun >city …those who would wish to steal waves must be neutralized…waken >dreamers waken… I would point out here that this is not the future…this is the present, where massive dollars are required to travel to the ends of the earth to get best waves uncrowded enough for long enough to progress the entire front edge of surfing performance…this is why I don’t begrudge the pros their boat trips (only their bitching and moaning about it)…where coastal land is so hard to come by the Los Angeles Times has run several articles about how movie industry people (including middle class workers) are buying affordable coastal land in New Zealand now before it zooms (making it zoom NOW anyway) just because it is a thing of the past in California…I can cut several thousand dollars a month off my house payment by living 15 minutes inland, but a Saturday morning drive through any neighborhood especially one with a lot of children will reveal surfboards in maybe 3 out of 20 houses (and we all drive alone)… Surfing is already sort of uncontrolled violent golf in urban areas, and if everybody leaves urban areas it will only urbanize the rural areas…better to thin the population by providing artifical waves…after all, what is artifical when it comes to waves? Wouldn’t it still be a real wave? As for being nice to newcomers and unfamilar faces like the old guys were to us, absolutely…have I ever had a more memorable surf experience than that spring day in Ventura when I cut school by myself and got to the Point and found an early south swell machining in at 6’-8’ pre-leash and I went out and it was a thin crowd and I made the biggest drops and rides of my life and a few swims and at some point in the morning I rode one and made a mediocre cutback and a couple of nameless faceless older guys hooted for me seeing a 16 year old kid cutting school getting the rides of his life, maybe the rides of his entire life including what was to come for all any of us could know, and they enjoyed seeing it? The politics of inclusiveness aren’t politics at all…

Howzit Ambrose,>the truely afluent will become the world’s greatest surfers of all time >weeding out all the middle to low caste flawed organisms that surely are >responsible for the worst…oh yea dont forget the fence…ala sun >city …those who would wish to steal waves must be neutralized…waken >dreamers waken… Seen any traffic jams in Waipoli lately.Aloha, Kokua