Boz Wetsuits.... Beware!

Against my better judgement, I bought one of these. You have probably seen these wetsuits on e-bay. I thought it would be cool to get an extra fullsuit cheap for surf trips or those two go out days. Well, I received my “Boz” and what a sight. First the smoothie goes around your package making you look like a super hero, extra rad! It seemed light and stretchy so I gave it a try one afternoon session. First the arm was sewn wrong, one felt funky and the seams stuck out weird. Two seam tape came off in shoulder area. Three hole in smoothie. I wore this suit for an hour and it is ready for the trash. Total piece of $hit. I contacted the company, “Boz” (cool name, huh?) and told them polite and factual information and that I would at least like the suit repaired as I still had the warranty card. Basically I was told that I was out of luck and they would do nothing to remedy the situation. For an unknown company with a kooky name, I would call that weak business practice. Just a warning, stick to proven brands that will stand behind their product.

I have two and have been very happy with both. They are comfortable, keep me warm and have lasted a few years. It has actually held up better than other name brand wetsuits. Sorry to hear about yours Justin.