Bringing it all together

After starting some very interesting discussions (e.g. nosechannels, double concave in tail section, veneer sandwich construction) here on swaylock’s my new board arises slowly but surely.


The board is inspired by Harbour’s HP1 Single-Fin Longboard. Although I have never seen a real one, I love the outline of the board and the idea of the nose channels:

The blank is built out of 20 kg/m³ EPS and an 9mm poplar-T-band stringer:

The sandwich is a 1,5 mm balsa with 105 g/m² glass on both sides on bottom and 166g/m² on both sides on top. Rails are 16mm solid balsa. Nose- and tail-block are made of paulownia.



Top w/o rails:

Bottom w/o rail:


The balsa on bottom and rails are colored with black pigments before glassing to get the wood-feeling shining through the cloth.



It’s my second board and I learned a lot again…


Best regards,


It’s not hotcoated yet, right?

WOW! I love it. This almost makes me quit my job, so that I free up some time to build some boards again beside my house restoration and finFoil project.

So are you planning to lay the board on the beach top up and make you wax melt?

Or are you planning to lay it bottom up without a vent?

Or will you always cover it with towels?

Or do you live in Norway?

@shapaholic2011: did a hotcoat but didn’t polished the board. sanded up to 400 grid.

@hans: not Norway, but north of Germany. I think on surfable days it’s not so warm here that the wax will melt or the board delamininates. Last time I surfed here, I was was adorned with icicles…

That is a pretty sweet project. Great documentation too. Let us know how it rides. 

Oh, I see…board looks like a good nose rider though!

Well done looks far better than my second board and a few since haha.
Is the straight outline in the middle intentional?
Looking forward to a ride report.

yes it is. the original hp1 has also this straight outline. but the outline looks a little bit straighter on the pics than it realy is.