I’m laminating, and hotcoating with epoxy. When the hotcoat dries, it has a few little pimples and dust specks, but overall a pretty glossy look.
When i try to sand these little pimples and specks out, the epoxy starts to turn a milky white colour, and all though the spots do sand out, i’m left with a matt finish in some spots, and some spots are glossy…
Just wondering how people get a nice good shiny epoxy gloss finish?
Doc has said that a source of the milky colour is the water, when im using wet n dry sand paper…
Benny agreed and has suggested waiting a week for the epoxy to fully cure, and then sand… or use acryllic spray gloss afterwards…
Some of the bert’s boards have a super shine, is that epoxy or a different coat on the top?
if you want to do a “gloss and polish”, lay down another coat of epoxy thinned out with denatured alcohol…very thin…shouldn’t have any dimples and whatnot. if needed, sand to at least 1000 grit, and then polish it out…should come out lookin’ good.
but i used to use a sneaky shortcut, for customers concerned with weight…
if you know what youre doing with the airbrush, load up some fairly generous coats of premium clear acryl laq (still with flatting additive, but tone it back a shade)… then just let it hard off for an hour, hit it hard with 1200 wet… then smash it with cutting compound and the sander (on low speed)with a polish sponge on it…
all up i could get a 9’6" epoxy pig lookin like a full gloss/ polish, in about 10 mins
sorta just polishing up the spray coat… sounds dodgy, but
We went to 2000 grit on the last one & then used regular surfboard polish - the surboard polish really did a better job than the car wax/polish approach. It seems that my first board is getting a chalky look to it - we thought it was the car wax/polish getting old… The car wax/polish seems to give a shine by “wetting” out the finish (kinda like when you rub it down with alcohol, the board looks nice until it drys) but the surfboard polish seems to microsand the finish to give a nice “dry” shine.
How much alcohol did you add? I’d like to try that on my next board.
How much alcohol did you add?..the surfboard polish seems to microsand the finish to give a nice “dry” shine.
i tend to just eyeball that kinda stuff. maybe a couple cap-fulls?? basically, you want it to lay on thin…thin = smooth. the denatured alcohol rises to the surface, and then just evaporates.
I’ve been working on the epoxy shine myself… I made a few fins a few months ago and found out something about how I WAS doing it wrong. It tried to go too fast and skipped steps. I now do it like this…
Sand with 220 till it’s even, then 360, then 500, then 800, then 1000 THEN… Rubbing compound (from auto store) then the FH Polishing compound. A lot of work but it sure turnes out nice.
The 2pac that Bert uses is made by upol. They also make a 1 pac that is supposed to perform like a 2 pac. It doesn’t have the isocyinides and has a much shorter health warning. This is the one that I use. The first board that I used it on I used the version that comes in a spray can. It took 2 cans (very expensive) and turned out awful. The next two boards I bought the one that is supposed to be sprayed from a sprayer. The results were much better, although not perfect. Next time I’m going to try a nozzle with a much finer spray opening (I used 1.4). It is much cheaper to go this way ($6 per board compared to $30). I think its a better way to go, but its going to take a bit of effort to get it right.
Don’t remember getting milky white but there are a lot of scratches with 80 grit (dry). It looks kind of whitish. Then less scratches with each higher grit (wet for the rest) of sand paper.
I used (still use, after 10 boards) a Harbor Freight ($30?) and it works just fine! The hard black rubber surface I glued a 3" foam (like for cushon on a chair) and then use sticky glue to attach sand paper. Then the bonnet it came with for rubbing compound and I bought an extra one specifically for the polishing compound.
pin lines, then gloss coat - thinned with acetone(about a cap ful - we don’t have RR or addtives here in brazil)
let dry overnight, then i put it in my oven(my black car with the windows cracked) for about 1 1/2 hour to help it cure super hard.
then the fun part, wet sand with 320/400/600/1000 then polishing compound, then a wipe down with car wax.
its a lot of work, but now i can polish the board in about an hour.
once you get the hotcoat sanded flat(and clean) the gloss lies pretty flat. also, make sure your brush is completely clean(no solvents at all) - this was my original problem. a really fin bristle helps too.