Broken Ulnar Styloid

Hello Doctors!


I had scafoid excision and four corner fusion in my wrist about 6 months ago. In my last appointment I notice the ulnar styloid is broken at the bottom, the doctor sad its common and gonna heal. Can someone tell me if this is truth and if its going to cause me any further problems like pain if does not heal.


Thank you!

Scuse me, celio, but I think you may be on the wrong website.   Good luck with the wrist. Mike

I’ll field this one,  if they did a fusion it’s odd they didn’t notice the ulnar fracture when they opened your wrist up…?  They must’ve taken a number of x-rays before , during surgery and after…?

All fractures will heal themselves over time however you may end up with a deformity and reduced mobility and function. All fractures and especially potential fractures need to be assessed ASAP because they can lead to much greater problems later on. An untreated fracture of the ankle can lead to a change in posture, muscular spams, chronic pain, depression… you see how things can escalate.

If you have doubts, or questions your current doctor can’t answer to your satisfaction, then get a second opinion, its your body and a second opinion may save you from a lot of misery down the track.

 Or fill with a paste of micro balloons , sand and glass with a single 4oz patch.

Had the same surgery three years ago, have limited range of motion.  Encounter pain under stress to the wrist while working etc. Limits me a little hopping to my feet on a short board when the waves are thumping. Still much better than before the procedure. At 57 I expect some limitations, and have adjusted to compensate for them.  I was in a cast for three months and 2 months of PT after that.


  Good luck with your recovery,

Thank you for your sugestion but, I think they broke the styloid, because it wasn’t broken before. Some how the piece still attached to the ulnar, mabe thats why the doctor sad that it is going to heal but, it past 6 months and we still see the crack. Thank you again!

Are you getting better? Do you still feeling pain? Thank you in advance!

Thank you!