brown board ....fin colour suggestions , please ?

…what colour fins ??

Any of you riding brown boards , please show me your fins !

I want to lay up some fin panel[strike] / foam core fins …just need some inspiration what colour[strike] to go with .

it’s for THIS : -

Thanks in advance !





my brown board has straight black fins. how about yellow?

Chip is suddenly concerned with color-coordination and aesthetics?


(I cannot put a finger on why this pic is appropriate, but something tells me it just is.)

Actually, the purple hair seems about the appropriate color for the fin. Or maybe shocking pink.

Go the green, definitely green. Tint, not opaque.

The board will have a “tree motif

(came up with that myself)…

Looking at the picture, it’s hard to tell, but are all the rainbow colors present (ROYGBIV)? How about a set of rainbow fins? Of course, my color sense runs the way of hallucinatory.


Chip is suddenly concerned with color-coordination and aesthetics?


(I cannot put a finger on why this pic is appropriate, but something tells me it just is.)


Thanks hacky whacky tobaccy …I was THINKING of purple and glitter for my next board!! [HOW did you know ??]

…And pink or yellow fins [maybe pink with yellow stripes?]. And a matching purple wetsuit , with pink side panels …M.R. and P.T. would be proud !

"living in the fluoro eighties “chip”…

p.s. - Hackman , I’ll make sure to write in big fluoro yellow pen all over the board …"inspired by ‘Hackeysacky’ [with your contact phone number …you know , drum up a bit of …er… extra [?funny?] business for ya , mate ! ] SWEEEET…

So I says to my Dentist,“Doc,I got yellow teeth.” He says “Wear a brown tie.”

                                                            Rodney Dangerfeild.

So I says to my Dentist,“Doc,I got yellow teeth.” He says “Wear a brown tie.”

Rodney Dangerfeild.

with a lime green suit , and a pink shirt !

speaking of colour , I LOVE your pet fish , Jeff !

…now , WHERE can I get one ?


p.s. - if any of you think my comments and …er…“style / colour sense” are a bit out there …wait till you see Taj Burrow’s latest offering …“Fair Bits” …you’ll LERV the "retro section " [ or not ]

Hi Chip. If you want one of them,go to Acension Island South Atlantic.Heaps of em’

       Not as pretty as the purple glitter though....

Looking at the picture, it’s hard to tell, but are all the rainbow colors present (ROYGBIV)? How about a set of rainbow fins? Of course, my color sense runs the way of hallucinatory.

yep, pretty much …the basic colours were yellow, red and blue .The difference being , hicksy’s chicks added BLACK to the equation for the bottom .

you guessed it …when the resin hit it , we got …

Well , tiktok, I might seriously do a rainbow set , now the gauntlet’s been thrown down , so to speak !! If I do , it will be a foam core sprayed then glassed [no black colour in the mix this time , though !]

Rainbow coloured bonzer runners and a raind’oh! matching back fin …yep , sounds fairly distinctive [?unique?] to me !


my brown board has a caramel fin… 'looks really nice

as for a purple board, I have one and it really looks killer… if you want any pix let me know

yes please euskadi …I’d like to see the caramel fin , AND the purple board , too , please ! [You can post them both here if you like]

thanks mate !


so here is my purple gun

sorry I haven’t got any picture of the caramel fin, I’ll post one as soon as I can

Hey Chip, definitely a go with the flow rainbow. If you do it, post the pics. I’ll tell you where the pot of gold can be found.


so here is my purple gun

sorry I haven’t got any picture of the caramel fin, I’ll post one as soon as I can

NICE !! … it nearly matches your carpet ! (I used to live in a place with a couch / settee the same pattern as your carpet !!)

Now , WHERE can I gat me that poiple wetty ?!

(Ah, “Sirocco” …yes…of course !! thanks Bobbie ! )


Suggestions for a caramel fin ?

What did you use for that , please , Donald ?

…was it spraypainted foam or wood core , glassed ?

Or , can you actually get a caramel coloured tint or pigment ? [short of mixing a few colours together and experimenting , has anyone got an unmixed caramel pigment or tint ?

thanks !


…and for the rainbow fin , I’m figuring I’ll do at least six / seven masked off spray colours on a foam core fin , then glass it . Mind you , to do the nearly rainbow deck on the bonzer , I only used yellow , red and blue sprays …the overlap of the colours gave me orange , green , and purple.

…I think I’ll make two or three sets of foam cores , and try different techniques .

mix of pigment, not made by me though, won’t be able to give you an accurate recipe…