building a balance board

I’m interested in designing and building a balance board (something like the Indoboard, which sells in surfshops). Anyone do this?? – How’d it turn out. It seems like it should be pretty simple- a good rainy Sunday project. Any building suggestions/dimensions/material suggestions/other tips would really be appreciated. Mahalo.

If I am correct in understanding what you mean by balance board, I will suggest what I did. I wanted to start to be able to turn more on the wave and as such when I was out in the water, everytime I tried, of course I fell and it was another wave before I could try again. I started surfing late in life. Anyway I get this ho-hum catalog called Perform Better (phone is 1-800-556-7464) somewhere in Rhode Island I think it’s from. In the back it has 2 pages of balance boards. “Wobble and Rocker Boards” “Basic Balance Board” for only $35 by the way but then it really isn’t a good one. There are so many different boards and the one that I ended up shelling out for is the “Extreme Balance Board” for $109.95. And it has helped, definitely it has helped. But you could build this pretty easy, I mean basically you could just get a good plank of wood no wider than your surfboard, and as long as your feet, and secure underneath it, right in the middle, any variety of objects that you want the board to balance on. The board I have, has inserts underneath that you can remove to increase the horizontal range of motion and make it more unstable. But if you call and get the catalog, you will at least see good pictures of all these boards and the means by which they rock. This catalog even has these balance strap-ons that you can secure to your Nikes that can improve your balance to a certain extent just by your walking around in them. I mean they are only $30 and I actually like them. Finally in the middle of this small catalog is something they call a lateral resistor, for $30. You could make that by just buying some of their exercise bands and tying them around both of your legs. But it has helped me alot because it makes me keep my feet to a certain width, while a partner I have who sometimes trains with me, trys to throw me off balance. You probably didn’t want such a detailed response but since I was looking for something to improve my turns and I spent some effort in finding an answer, I thought I might pass it on. Mahalo to you as well.