hey coarran,
my email is:
you can cut the foil ,
also possible to attach several wires on the Y-axis
alowing you to cut several blanks at once. ( from a big eps chunk offcourse)
then roll the whole bunch on the side (future rails…),
using only one wire! and cutting the template (outline) and
a straight stringer line ( if desired)
at this stage you can use your homebuilt 2axis (X,Y) cnc machine with a trimer , cutting you matching stringers…
glue them up and you got yourself a blank.
if you want to be more soficticated, you can program the machine
to make you the crown but as I se it it’s going to be one hell of
a headache. because you need to design\understand how each side of the machine has to move to create this wanted deck crown.
each side has it’s own path which is not even paralell to anything argggghhh…
( was I clear enough or should I draw it somehow and upload it?)
now lets say you overcome this hard task for a specific board design,
now you have to do the same for each board size and design and it’s
gonna take you decads to complete.
so if I were you, I would stop at the stage of the blank without crown…
I would seek for the website showing how to assemble the interface board and post it soon.
the machine’s construction time is very short ( by hours…!)
finding the right materials is the time consumer of this project.
and also the calibration and overcoming the usual problems that usually appear at the end of such project
( wire temp, motors speed etc.)
hmmm…what else???
ohh yes! don’t forget you need to be a bit creative ( which I’m sure you are!) and find a long enough X-axis and a long enough threaded rod ( or a creative replacment for it)… this is a surfboard ! not a 20cm airfoil…
any Q 'till now?
soon I’ll post all the websites and info that I thinck might help you.