For many years I laboured hard getting the object stowed away into the vac bag. The Vac Box simply achieves the same result minus all the grunt AND the fear! LOL. 


Imagine a sandwich maker or more to the point … your refrigerator. The vac box opens like a clam and closes with seal. 



Trouble with pics again .oh my! ;}

One at a time…



It’s all about the seal 

Firstly build a strong frame x2 … buy some clear vinyl mid grade … they  come at 1350mm wide x eternity … Fix vinyl to frame. This can be done in unison with creating a seal. The male and female parts that hold the vinly in place also at the same time create the seal.  Any run of the mill carpenter can be employed to hinge your two solid frames and and hopfully make a table of them for you.  Honestly my humble little 8x3 foot V/Box cost around about 300 clams in Ozian funny money.



Forgot to add. The vac box when not in use works real good as an extra work bench. 



Nice.  And as a bonus, its big enough to seal both Resinhead and Resinbutt inside together, in one go!!

I was hoping you were gonna post this up Quanta!


I like it.

How taut are the upper and lower sheets of vinyl in the frame?  

Do you know the mil thickness of the vinyl?

What are you using for the upper and lower seals?

Once we get to a rocker bed in a vacuum box we’re just half a step away from vacuum infusion.  

Very cool!

Obviously there is a stringer in that blank right?

If not, the vac. would flatten the rocker out.

Like gdaddy says, a adjustable rocker bed, & the sky’s the limit.

I’ll work on that.

I’m getting my Vac. setup going now.

You’ve given me some ideas.

Very ingenious. Me likee.

Just taut sort of taut. forget the mil thickness but it’s mid range. To thick it wont bend around curves so well. To thin … likey to punture. The upper seal is a flexable plastic /rubber? called mushroom seal which can be purchased from vaccume suppliers… in my case here on the Gold Coast Oz…‘Absolute Vacuume’ 0/401 340896. Runs about $18 a metre. 

And yes a rocker bed underneath is a good idea. I’ve flattened out more boards than I care to admit. 

Below is a mud map to better explain the principle. :wink:



Mushroom seal

Stoked! Thanks so much for posting this, Q. New summer project.

You’re welcome GS. I didn’t invent this myself. I’m just one of a long line of copyists. Monkey see monkey do. If you grok the priciple you can create your own working version of it. 

Study your fridge. It’s all about the seal and at the end of the day I’ve come to realise it’s stupidly simple. :wink:



Thanks for the feedback Q.

What is the purpose of the groove and dowel?

The purpose is to lock down … make seal tight the membrane. There are other ways of doing this of course. I’m just presenting one that I know Works. 

I thought the upper and lower seals did that.

The upper seal is a two in one job. locks down membrane same time as it creats a seal. The lower has self adhesive rubber stuck to it at the correct junture … It still needs to be locked down outside of the vacuum zone or otherwise she’ll get sucked into the vortex. Gee Stoneburner … Did you fail at mud map reading in a former life? LOL.

Cheers. :wink:

So Quanta, did you route out a channel in the frame to create the bed for the mushroom seal thingy? Is it glued or fixed in some way in the groove, or does it have enough grip when you insert it into the slot to not need any fixers?

Am looking now for a TAFE course in mudmap reading…