Burning saltwater as energy

I don’t know if this is good or bad news! What do you guys think?


Hydrogen powered propulsion for surfboards, all you need is a RF unit…

Good stuff

This is the coolest thing since Cold Fusion!!

The energy needed to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen (when the water is broken by the RF) is exactly the same as the energy released as heat when the hydrogen and oxygen recombine to form water) when the hydrogen burns. That’s a fundamental law of physics so unless we’ve all been wrong there is no new fuel.

It’s an interesting way of breaking water into H and O, but that can already be done anyway.

So the good news is we won’t see any raging fires ruining our surf just yet.

the real break through will be for cancer


The energy needed to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen (when the water is broken by the RF) is exactly the same as the energy released as heat when the hydrogen and oxygen recombine to form water) when the hydrogen burns. That’s a fundamental law of physics so unless we’ve all been wrong there is no new fuel.

No new fuel, but say the energy to do the break is from wind-generated electricity…

The energy needed to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen (when the water is broken by the RF) is exactly the same as the energy released as heat when the hydrogen and oxygen recombine to form water) when the hydrogen burns. That's a fundamental law of physics so unless we've all been wrong there is no new fuel.

It’s an interesting way of breaking water into H and O, but that can already be done anyway.

So the good news is we won’t see any raging fires ruining our surf just yet.

I’m guessing you haven’t seen my ice-nine in action yet?

ice-nine = bad for surfing, good for ice skating