business license?

do you need a license if your just a hobby shaper selling boards from your house or online auctions? perhaps 1 or 2 boards a month?

and we wonder why the industry is in chaos

Bert, I do not understand your response - would you mind elaborating on why his board making would contribute to mentioned disorder. Thanks, Herb Bean

Herb, Bert Berger thinks he’s a little (or a lot) smarter than the rest of us. Take whatever he writes with a grain of salt… and a Margarita. KPD

i dono what its like over there but here the surfboard industry is in chaos in fact you wouldnt really call it a true industry, anybody can go out buy raw materials go into bussiness and produce second grade equipment, no quality controls ,no safety standards…many industries are regulated and have protocol in place not only to protect it self but also the consumer…lets hope one day the surfboard industry gets that far…i can elaborate …but dont have time right now may be tommorow… regards BERT

Hey Bert, why don’t you take it down a notch, climb down off you piles of PhD’s and contribute something that dose not include smug undertones. Go surfing and remember that this is supposed to be an open forum where there are no stupid questions, if you don’t have a constructive answer, you don’t have to post anything. As for all of you quality control and safety standards, do you really want all that stuff in place? I shudder to think where this “industry” would be if those programs were in place. Sat Feb 7th in NH: waist to chest, clean, offshore, water 35 deg. I still have not stopped smiling and it’s Monday.

ps kpd i will be intetrested to hear your input when an interesting thread springs up on design …maybe your years of industry experience can be of great value in a logical line of comments??

KPD, That is actually really good to hear. Being pretty new here, this was the first time I saw discouragment aimed at someone trying pursue a path in this field. If that was a common opinion from you guys, it would have been disapointing. Hobo, Please excuse me for redirecting your original question. Hopefully someone will respond. Respecfully, Herb Bean

jake i think your right, some one rang this morning and said there was waves .so i put in the effort checked a few spots and it was crap …and i was so looking forward to a surf ,ever since then ive been a little tense …sorry i will try to keep it constructive …unless there is some major misinformation that needs to be quashed …i will tone it down a little… BERT

Just wondering . . . what kinds of on-line auctions have you used to sell boards? I’ve been looking for ways to sell some of the boards that i’ve got piling up. thanks-

Hobo, If I’m not badly mistaken if it is a hobby you can’t make any money out of it. If you are making any money you will need a business license. That is if you get caught. Here in CA. your next door friend is the one that will nail you. Or the guy that you sell a board to and he does not like it.

Hobo- The phrase “Everyone is doing it” comes to mind. If I were you I would even give it a second thought… until you are selling alot of boards. Everyone has to get their start somewhere. -Carl

Oops I ment “would not” instead of would… morning coffee has got my mind racing and my fingers shaking! -Carl

for all the negative comments: for one, you do not know my experience in board making. i may be new to this forumn but im not new to this hobby for all the positive comments: thank you. like i said, i do this as a hobby. im not tryint to make money. im just trying to get rid of all the boards i have made. since i make 1 or 2 boards a month i would like to get rid of them so i can make more. i would be selling them for the price of materials…so around 120-150.

Hobo, if you keep your income and sales to a min you shouldn’ t have too big of a problem. I do side work as a graphic designer all the time and work with numbers much higher then what a board goes for these days and have yet to run into a problem. The way you’ll run into a problem is if you start using the income on applications, reports, documents, etc. If the money comes in and isn’t claimed as source of income or liquid assets, no worries. If you think about it, even the best shapers these days don’t make a fortune so I wouldn’t sweat it.

E-Bay and (on west coast) are two popular ways of selling boards. E-Bay is auction syle, Craigslist is online classified ad style.

Hobo, agreed take the negative with a grain of salt. We are collectively here to learn and share (most of us). The guys who have this idea of being huge are the ones who are afraid of the hobbyists. 25 years in and I’m new to this forum too,There are the ones who love to use “industry” like what we do is so damn important. The industry is only what you make of it, I know alot of people including myself who make a living but stay out of the “industry” in the derogative meaning. Surfing and business is oxymoronic.The day you are missing epic-surf to conduct business is the day you need to re-evaluate your work.

Hobo, Where are you from? Make a list and post 'em here. At a 125./150. you have my attention. Herb Bean

what’s a business licence?

Everyone should get a business license.You can have a Home office etc. and get all sorts of legit.Tax Deductions.Check with an accountant.Better yet start a church…tons of bucks in that.I heard that some girl went and got a home business license as a Telemarketer and gets her phone for free,writes off computers and office supplies atc. and only makes one call per night to her Mom.Its the USA Dudes.