busy weekend

Check out our weekend at reef2beachsurf.com


I was sitting in Brisbane thinking there must be waves up your way. Checked out the cams for the last 2 days = how many days of decent surf has it produced so far?

I also see that your site mention the reef trips. I had contacted an e-mail address way back, regarding charters, but heard nothing back. Are they still available?

There was a guy with a last name of Gray who had a daughter in the same grade as my son, who I gathered used to surf up your way. I also knew a guy from uni in the early 70s who went to AW back then and a tomato farmer form Bargara. Never got up that way myself. Sounded like it was been a haven, but I gather that is changing.


It is still good until the briso’s turn up. No we get good waves every sou easter (lows north highs south) reef trips are through 1770 enviromental tours the do a great job haven’t got the number handy will pm later.

Thanks for the pm. Offshore is probably off the cards this year but I would like to do a trip before too many years go by.

Hope you get a few more up there from the swell.


If you get a crew together it is great but I also think they do daytrips. only 30 miles out to sea