Butt Crack Leash Damage


I just got back the first board that I’ve had professionally glassed. All of my previous shapes have been glassed by me, as they weren’t high quality enough for me to want to spend the coin to have them cherried out. I got ed searfoss to do this one for me (see the country logo), got him to pull out ALL the shops. Acid glass, pin lines, da buggah came out MEAN.

…one thing kinda off. The leash plug right up the butt crack. Shoulda asked ed, but I was way too psyched on how well the color came out, how do you tie a leash string to this? I’m afraid that if I don’t get it small as puck it’s gonna pull through the rail.

Thanks in advance, stoked on the glass job and I don’t want to screw up the masters work. Probably should ask ed, but I’m afraid to seem ungrateful for something that’s probably a really easy answer.


Yeah the color looks awesome! You should ask Ed, must be a reason he put it there. But you could easily add a plug out by the tail easy enough. You’re just worrying now cuz it looks so new & awesome lol.

Fins look good too. Double foiled? Did you make the fins? Did the glasser pick the spot for the fins or you told him everything (cant, toe-in, location)?? Very nice.

Love those retro fish BTW brings back a lot of good memories of fun times when I wass younger.

Double foiled, no cant, no toe in. I marked everything, set the trailing edge right at the crack, 1.25" off the rail. Got the fins from True Ames, have a friend at the factory who told me these are Da Kine.

I made a similar board that I glassed, same fin lay up, that went UNREAL at bombing sunset/rocky rights and good size off the wall last year. I was surprised how well a flat 5’3" worked in the barrel, and so I tried to replicate it.

I’ve heard a lot of varying stories on why the Lis Fish works or doesn’t, Joel Tudor spent like 30 minutes at v-land telling me how modern cant/flat foil/toe in is the only thing that works, I know why he feels that way but I politely disagreed. I REALLY like my homeshaped fishes, in most situations I like them more than my tokoros.

I’d still never ride one at pipeline, they’re completely unpredictable, but while surfing most waves I’m not afraid to get licked and I get tossed on these fuckers a lot.


p.s. My rocket fish attached, this one is toed canted and only foiled on one side.

Great pics of the rocket fish! I love to hear someone fully stoked on their own self shaped boards. I’m surprised to hear the conditions you’re riding these in!