Buying board in Australia tips?

 Hi Swaylockians, just wondering if anyone could offer some advice. I will be in Australia November 25 to December 22, and  i’m planning to rent a van and drive from Brisbane (with a detour to Noosa and the Sunshine Coast) to Sydney. Naturally I plan to surf there! :slight_smile: I am also going to a surf and yoga camp in Sri Lanka earlier in November, then to Malaysia and Singapore to visit friends before I start my Aussie road trip. I know the airlines don’t always treat boards with TLC … so I am planning to take an older board (not any of my Andreinis, yikes!) to Sri Lanka, hope it arrives in one piece, then donate it to the camp or the locals when I leave. Then I will travel light to Malaysia and Singapore, buy a board in Brisbane, and hope Quantas will take good care of it when I fly home. I  did some looking online but it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be to find shapers in Queensland and/or places to buy a board retail. Most particularly, I do NOT want to buy one of the POP-OUTS from Asia that are undercutting Australian shapers!!! Can anyone suggest a shaper I could get in touch with, who could make me a board I could pick up there? I would, of course, want to talk with you about the board order first. Alternately, are there retail board shops in the area that carry “retro” boards and fun shapes? Looking for about a 60 liter volume, in the 7’6" to 8’ range as opposed to a true mal. It could be a modified displacement hul with a fairly pulled nose, a basic egg, or even something  quite different-  I love my winged swallowtail quad also! As long as it isn’t a pop-out - I would certainly consider a used board as well.  Please reply here or send me a message. Thanks in advance! 

I guees what I’m asking as far as retail shops … is there a Mollusk type shop in Brisbane? LOL

Australia seemed like a great place to buy a board. I once even managed to turn a small profit flying a horribly trendy (to be left nameless) board out. But I was very flexible in my options. 

I also once bought a board online from the Sunshine Coast and had it sent down the coast. Thought I got an absolute screamer but when it arrived it wasn’t quite what I thought it was. Just hard to judge these things from photos. It’s still risk and hassle though. I ended up selling that board and making my own in a cow shed in New Zealand.

You could have a board built to spec and ready for you when you get there. I think it’s worth it. So many great shapers. 

I don’t recommend trying to get a deal. Crowds are bad enough over there than adding a funny board to the mix. 

The short answer is yes , I cant remember the names of the shaper or shops offhand , but , I think Yorky is in the area , he posts on Sways , he makes custom boards , and he would know how to guide you , good luck .

Contact Swaylock’s member, Thirdshade.      He’s in the Sydney area, I think.       He’s a skilled builder/designer of surfboards.     He may be able to help you, or give some guidence.        Tell him I said hello, if you make contact.

Byron Bay has heaps of hipsters and any kinda board you would want…probably get a good board in Noosa. I have a PG hull in Kirra that I might sell…I think it is around 8 foot…just like a brand new board…PM if interested and I will look for a piccy.





Hi There, I’m Dave from Diverse and could make you a Custom of your desire… Guaranteed to work… I make a lot of the style boards you want. i make them all myself here on the Gold coast in my own space.

and just for the education benefits, I also go to Bali and make customs there… 

my website is

Diversesurf on Instagram and you can email me

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Hi art4peace, I’ve missed you around here, was beginning to wonder if you still surfed! Hope you post up some pics for us from your trip :slight_smile:

Hey Art, Brisbane is not actually on a surfable coast, so you’re better off heading north or south to find a board.

Mark Pridmore of More Surfboards is a good bet. He’s based on the Sunshine Coast, so you could pick it up on your detour (you do realise it’s north of Brisbane, yes?). You could also hit up Huie, another Queenslander whose high-end skills are on evidence all over Swaylock’s, although I haven’t seen anything from him on here lately. There are heaps of shapers in that region, so you can’t go wrong just walking into a surf shop once you hit the coast.

To the south you have the Gold Coast and more shapers than I could name in a day. Just south of there is the Byron-Ballina coast, where you’ll encounter the same story. Some that stand out for me are Ash Ward of Eagle Sword Surfboards, Neal Purchase Jr, and Gary McNeill. If you go out to the Byron industrial estate and just drive around you’ll probably find four or five shapers or board outlets.

Wayne Deane, Mactavish sooo many down there.

Dave, your boards look awesome! I will be contacying you soon!

Anyone heard from Huie lately?

Regarding Wayne Deane - he died recently:

You’ve had lots of tips already.

Brisbane isn’t surfable but to the east is Stradbroke Island, and there are waves north and south. If you are heading to Noosa, 

Here is a site that features some Qld shapers:

If you want Brisbane specific do a search: brisbane surfboard shapers and you get various suggestions. More options on the coast. 

Thank you so much! I think I am going to have Swaylocks member FeralDave of Diverse shape me a board to pick up on the Gold Coast. Everyone has been so helpful, looking forward to my trip Down Under!

Maybe one of only 2 PG’s in Oz…make that 3…as I brought one to Dane Peterson a bunch of years ago. 

I’m keeping my 10-0 Kirra special…



Kirra Special

Bc green.  I’m sorta in contact with Huei and Margaret regularly.  He is doing well,  one hell of a great bloke. Truly wish someone would have interviewed him on sways as he certainly has a richer history in the Australian surfboard history than most realise.  Though truth be told I don’t think he would want to be interviewed, lol.

Thanks digger. Say g’day to him for me. 

I will mate