Buzzy Neubuhl photo /Ala Moana



PS: Bud Brown was always shooting film around that time period.
Clarence"Mac" Maki as well. One or two more photogs too, but I can’t
remember there names … sorry

Peter - Val Valentine was shooting then - still and movie!

Great to see Shoyu’s name - bent knees at afternoon backlit Makaha!






PS: Bud Brown was always shooting film around that time period. Clarence"Mac" Maki as well. One or two more photogs too, but I can't remember there names .. sorry

Peter - Val Valentine was shooting then - still and movie!

Great to see Shoyu's name - bent knees at afternoon backlit Makaha!


aaaaahhhh Midget..... My old Friend ... I hope your well!! Thank you so much! Val Valentine is who's name escaped me. "Mac" could be found at Waikiki during the summer month's of the South Shore swell run, certainly Makaha & Haleiwa during the winter season. "Bud", is one who you'd recognize easily because he was so tall and hunched over his camera shooting movies or stills. Later, you'd find him in the water with you, bodysurfing a few waves and taking still black and white photo's. "Val" always had a smile on his face, very accomodating and talkitive, stoked, might be a good word.

Gilbert "shoyu" Kawamoto. Another local surfer who began surfing Queens. He and another guy, Steven Tengun always hung around together, as we all did at the Waikiki Dairy Queen then, or just across the street where Barry Kanai'aupuni & I lived in the little gray cottages. Again, with the names mentioned above, during the summer month's, we moved between Waikiki and Ala Moana frequently to test our surfing skills.

You were here in those days with your Aussie crew Midget. You boy's were just down a few houses from us on the North Shore after the Makaha contest. Bruce Brown, Diff, Dewey, Hanson, Paul, Bruce's camerman had the house in front of Pipeline. You crazy's, were just up the road from us. "Dave"bombora" Jackman, Mactavish, Paul Witzig(?) and other names that escape my memory now. I can't remember now if you guys ended up with my Mom's old blue & white Cadillac. It got passed around on the North Shore after I returned to California. It would be cool to hear your side of those magical times, Midget!

Always, a treat for me to have you pop in and add things to help my feeble mind get a kick start and remember things of those days. Your one of the gentlemen, MF, when on a night around a campfire, while sitting on a beach and drinking beers, your hallowed name, would be mentioned. All the best to you My Friend! Aloha Nui Loa, A Hui Hou, Peter






One of the Australians on the 1961 trip was Gordon Simpson. Some of his story is here:


Amongst other things, Dave Jackman rides a paipo. I hope to be able to post something up later in the year. A recent article will be of interest: James, Marcus (2011). A Waterman's Life: Dave Jackman. Pacific Longboarder, 14(4), 54-59.


I have been looking for information about Val Valentine, so will get in touch if that is ok,





I believe there is some footage of Buzzy Knuebuhl in some of the early Dale Davis films.  Not town though North Shore.

Another photographer, at the time, was Curt Mastalka (sp?)–Lived at Pupukea, with a guy nicknamed Little John–Don’t know if he shot Town much, or not…–Used to go over to his house on some weekends, drink beer,  and watch last weeks  or  months action-- good fun!  Don’t know what happened to Curt, or his material, but it would be a treasure trove. Don’t know if Buzzy was going out there much, at that time…  Csurt had  a of lot of early Jock, Butch, etc. and also  a lot of the North Shore kids at that time…

Curt lives at the Turtle bay condos.

I made him his last board about a year and a half ago.

He is a cancer surviver of at least 15 years.

Thank you, Greg–So sorry to hear that he had contracted  cancer, but so glad to hear that he has beaten it.  Please give him my best.  Did he ever say if he still had  his material?  Like I said, it could be a treasure trove–Best, Mac


hey gang,Buzzy (Kneubuhl) is very much alive,still surfing with that very graceful style,and also riding his own shapes of paipo,and  kite surfs also,having given up the hang glider/paraglider thing( I hope),and paddles single man outrigger canoes on down winders.bgreen,you could maybe get him to share that pic of his Dad surfing,Ma’ili point I think,that’s a classic.

Hello Kava, I'm away from home for seven weeks. I'll see if I have Buzzy's e-mail address with me and ask him about his dad's photo. Will he know you by the name of kava. PM your name if you prefer so I can mention that you asked. Bob

e bgreen,yeah ,go ahead and ask Buzzy about the photo of his Dad,he knows I told you about it.

i want a copy of the playboy issue w/the  laura blears photos.




Thanks for the tip regarding the photo of Buzzy’s dad.


The photo of Benny Kneubuhl at Maili Point can now be found at:

