CAD software

hi, does anyone use cad software to draw and/or design templates? I know my way around in autocad fairly well. My first surfboard still has to be shaped (currently laminating my first foamcore skimboard), but I like to think ahead. I think I’ll make my first board from a Clark blank, but after that I might try to cut my own “blanks” from a block of EPS foam (like Geert, the guy who made the foamtests). Maybe someone can send me some example cad files? That would be really great! Other software tips, hints and/or links are most welcome too! Martijn

Greetings, DAT 98 (if you can find it anymore) is a parametric sail/surf board design tool that does a nice job of printing templates - scope out the archives here as there are some folks who’ve worked out the details - printers, etc… Anyway, there are some people out there with the 30 day time bomb versions and I believe that the reason the product isn’t out there anymore is because the license mechanism was hacked. I have some software that takes DAT98 model files and converts the data to various ascii point files which are compatible with surfcam and mastercam. I’m pretty sure that autocad has some sort of ascii point file format support. If there is sufficient interest, the next translator will be an IGES version but for now, my limited number of clients are pretty happy with the ascii point file approach and I have a real job now. Here is a fragment of a file that contains one half of the mold line (the outline of the board where the deck meets the hull on the rail) for one of the swaylocks sample shortboards. Note that the data I produce is based on three dimensional data so you need to project this model onto a plane to get something you can print and lay on the blank: 77.204 37.008 8.549 77.127 37.159 8.57 77.051 37.253 8.574 76.975 37.335 8.561 76.907 37.401 8.584 76.84 37.462 8.573 76.773 37.522 8.562 76.652 37.624 8.53 76.53 37.72 8.524 76.409 37.812 8.505 76.193 37.968 8.471 75.977 38.116 8.438 75.761 38.258 8.405 75.388 38.491 8.348 75.015 38.712 8.293 74.642 38.922 8.238 74.021 39.254 8.148 73.399 39.565 8.061 72.777 39.859 7.976 71.787 40.295 7.844 70.796 40.694 7.717 69.805 41.061 7.595 68.311 41.555 7.419 66.817 41.982 7.252 65.322 42.346 7.094 63.221 42.784 6.884 61.12 43.168 6.687 59.018 43.5 6.503 56.316 43.856 6.287 53.614 44.139 6.092 50.911 44.352 5.916 47.826 44.52 5.738 44.741 44.614 5.58 41.655 44.644 5.441 38.887 44.611 5.331 36.118 44.513 5.233 33.349 44.35 5.145 30.468 44.108 5.077 27.586 43.791 5.039 24.703 43.397 5.043 22.173 42.985 5.086 19.642 42.506 5.172 17.109 41.955 5.302 15.137 41.47 5.436 13.163 40.926 5.599 11.189 40.302 5.796 9.782 39.808 5.963 8.375 39.273 6.167 6.965 38.695 6.418 6.029 38.287 6.618 5.091 37.858 6.847 4.152 37.408 7.11 3.562 37.113 7.293 2.971 36.808 7.492 2.38 36.493 7.707 2.025 36.298 7.845 1.67 36.098 7.988 1.314 35.893 8.139 1.108 35.771 8.229 0.902 35.648 8.321 0.695 35.521 8.416 0.579 35.448 8.47 0.463 35.375 8.525 0.347 35.3 8.581 0.283 35.258 8.612 0.219 35.215 8.643 0.155 35.171 8.675 0.083 35.12 8.711 0.01 35.067 8.747 -0.054 35 8.562 Other data files include full cross section data for the model which can be extruded and used to derive machine path data if you want to take it that far. I can’t really post them here as they are too big. I like DAT98 - it was designed for shapers with a pretty intuitive interface targeting board design work and if you already have CAD/CAM experience, you’ll pick it up in no time. The Pro version does export dxf files. FOK

Greetings,>>> DAT 98 (if you can find it anymore) is a parametric sail/surf board design > tool that does a nice job of printing templates - scope out the archives > here as there are some folks who’ve worked out the details - printers, > etc… Anyway, there are some people out there with the 30 day time bomb > versions and I believe that the reason the product isn’t out there anymore > is because the license mechanism was hacked.>>> I have some software that takes DAT98 model files and converts the data to > various ascii point files which are compatible with surfcam and mastercam. > I’m pretty sure that autocad has some sort of ascii point file format > support. If there is sufficient interest, the next translator will be an > IGES version but for now, my limited number of clients are pretty happy > with the ascii point file approach and I have a real job now.>>> Here is a fragment of a file that contains one half of the mold line (the > outline of the board where the deck meets the hull on the rail) for one of > the swaylocks sample shortboards. Note that the data I produce is based on > three dimensional data so you need to project this model onto a plane to > get something you can print and lay on the blank:>>> 77.204 37.008 8.549>>> 77.127 37.159 8.57>>> 77.051 37.253 8.574>>> 76.975 37.335 8.561>>> 76.907 37.401 8.584>>> 76.84 37.462 8.573>>> 76.773 37.522 8.562>>> 76.652 37.624 8.53>>> 76.53 37.72 8.524>>> 76.409 37.812 8.505>>> 76.193 37.968 8.471>>> 75.977 38.116 8.438>>> 75.761 38.258 8.405>>> 75.388 38.491 8.348>>> 75.015 38.712 8.293>>> 74.642 38.922 8.238>>> 74.021 39.254 8.148>>> 73.399 39.565 8.061>>> 72.777 39.859 7.976>>> 71.787 40.295 7.844>>> 70.796 40.694 7.717>>> 69.805 41.061 7.595>>> 68.311 41.555 7.419>>> 66.817 41.982 7.252>>> 65.322 42.346 7.094>>> 63.221 42.784 6.884>>> 61.12 43.168 6.687>>> 59.018 43.5 6.503>>> 56.316 43.856 6.287>>> 53.614 44.139 6.092>>> 50.911 44.352 5.916>>> 47.826 44.52 5.738>>> 44.741 44.614 5.58>>> 41.655 44.644 5.441>>> 38.887 44.611 5.331>>> 36.118 44.513 5.233>>> 33.349 44.35 5.145>>> 30.468 44.108 5.077>>> 27.586 43.791 5.039>>> 24.703 43.397 5.043>>> 22.173 42.985 5.086>>> 19.642 42.506 5.172>>> 17.109 41.955 5.302>>> 15.137 41.47 5.436>>> 13.163 40.926 5.599>>> 11.189 40.302 5.796>>> 9.782 39.808 5.963>>> 8.375 39.273 6.167>>> 6.965 38.695 6.418>>> 6.029 38.287 6.618>>> 5.091 37.858 6.847>>> 4.152 37.408 7.11>>> 3.562 37.113 7.293>>> 2.971 36.808 7.492>>> 2.38 36.493 7.707>>> 2.025 36.298 7.845>>> 1.67 36.098 7.988>>> 1.314 35.893 8.139>>> 1.108 35.771 8.229>>> 0.902 35.648 8.321>>> 0.695 35.521 8.416>>> 0.579 35.448 8.47>>> 0.463 35.375 8.525>>> 0.347 35.3 8.581>>> 0.283 35.258 8.612>>> 0.219 35.215 8.643>>> 0.155 35.171 8.675>>> 0.083 35.12 8.711>>> 0.01 35.067 8.747>>> -0.054 35 8.562>>> Other data files include full cross section data for the model which can > be extruded and used to derive machine path data if you want to take it > that far. I can’t really post them here as they are too big.>>> I like DAT98 - it was designed for shapers with a pretty intuitive > interface targeting board design work and if you already have CAD/CAM > experience, you’ll pick it up in no time. The Pro version does export dxf > files.>>> FOK I use Dat98 from time to time. I think i have the Zip 30 day version somewhere. If you want a copy of the 30 or 90day copy i’ll e-mail it to you, but your going to have to buy the full version if you like it. The address and phone to the company is included with the software. let me know if you want it. It’s a very good program. Later, Stephen Berube

cool! Thanks! I’ve allready found the software, I’ll try it! It looks promising [smile] Thanks again!

Is DAT software still available?, I have been using adobe illustrator to do some rough profiles. but it is hard to scale up or dowm acuratly. I have the ability to print up to 10’ for full templates, but I havn’t seen a program that will allow the full scale printing. If you can get the software, I can print it. Ray

Is DAT software still available?, I have been using adobe illustrator to > do some rough profiles. but it is hard to scale up or dowm acuratly. I > have the ability to print up to 10’ for full templates, but I havn’t seen > a program that will allow the full scale printing. If you can get the > software, I can print it. Ray I may not be able to spell “acuratly”, but, I can print it … Ray, save yourself, just $ 5.99 I tell ya!!! Think how smart everyone will think you have become… [blush]----l have fun

can DAT do any 3D modelling? kirk

I may not be able to spell “acuratly”, but, I can print it … > Ray, save yourself, just $ 5.99 I tell ya!!! Think how smart everyone will > think you have become… [blush]----l have fun i just wanted some people to like me and be my friends. “Mom , Corals picking on Ray again”

Some of the file sharing programs that replaced Napster have software sharing capabilities. Kazaa is one - the trick would be finding someone who has the program you need.

Can I have a copy too?..I try to contact dat designer by e-mail to have a demo copy but no answer me. And with this demo can I print? thank you very much. I use Dat98 from time to time. I think i have the Zip 30 day version > somewhere. If you want a copy of the 30 or 90day copy i’ll e-mail it to > you, but your going to have to buy the full version if you like it. The > address and phone to the company is included with the software. let me > know if you want it. It’s a very good program. Later, Stephen Berube

Sorry that it’s taken a while to respond - I believe I mentioned that I’ve a real job now and it keeps me from here and surfing - aaaaargh… But, I can afford to make some new boards now so that’s good! The views that you design in are the plan shape (the typical template), the rocker (the profile of the center of the board as viewed from the side), and there are rail and vee design tools. By starting with an existing model and modifying properties like the length, width at various control points, nose and entry point lift, etc… you essentially create a model that meets your general measurement criteria. Once the control points are set (in the plan and rocker views), you have a few options as to how to blend the appropriate curve through them. So you spend your modeling time jumping around between the different views and then preview the model using the 3d viewing tool. Note that the software isn’t being updated and a buddy did have trouble finding the 3g graphics support for running it on win 2000. I run it on NT and 98. The preview tool is pretty impressive on the platforms that support the rendering calls - you can manipulate the view at will and really see what the shape looks like. Includes mutiple light sources and shading. About the only thing you can’t do is touch it. The guy even wrote an applet that you can put in a web page to show the models on the web - it was a prototype and has a few problems but it does illustrate that the guy who wrote the software was way ahead of his time. Limitations include only being able to model one vee and inverse vees (concaves) aren’t allowed but I can diddle some bits in the model file and get you a negative vee if you want. The interesting thing is that a negative vee pushes down the rail geometry - so in other words, the bottom of the rocker never moves so vee starts at the bottom of the rocker and goes up for a positive vee and down for a negative vee. Intuitively, you sort of think of a concave moving the hull geometry up (ditching it out) instead of moving the rail geometry down (adding volume around the concave)… Vees are centered on the board - you can’t offset it from side to side so if you want a couple of concaves, you pretty much need to put them in yourself after the pre-shaping on the machine as been completed. The rail design tool is nice. You design rails at something like 5 control points on the board and the system blends the different profiles together for you. The other drawback and hence my fooling around writing conversion software for it, is that it really doesn’t export data easily to external packages. It has a dxf, vrml, one other export format but they all export triangular patch data and there are some issues - minute overlap on some patches and depending on your rail geometry, some discontinuous patch blends, and a whole bunch of duplicated point data. I like it because once you have a model in made, modifying it so easy. Yes, you can scale a model in a general cad package but DAT 98 gives you a parametric approach that lets you only scale the what you want: the length, width, overall percentage, and by volume. Relative to a generalized CAD solution, it far easier to use and get good results - in my humble opinion. I do know a guy who has a computer dedicated to DAT and he just remirrors his disk every 30 days to keep it going. And I’ve heard rumors of a hack out there. Is it wrong to hack a great product that isn’t being sold anymore? back to work… Hi ho, hi ho, it’s… FOK

Hi, had the same problem. I can’t contact them… How am I ever goin’ to buy this software? I really like it… I’ll look for the url I recently downed it from (the demo)

I am on the verge of starting my first board, but lackof templates have been my biggest problem up to now. The shape I am looking at is a old style fish shape and no one around here seems to shape any other shape than thrusters and mini-mals. I would really appreciate if someone could supply me with a copy of DAT98 (the trail version). My first attempts at creating templates free hand was, to say the least, disastrous. If anyone is willing please let me know and I will forward my e-mail address.

I couldn’t agree more with you on the hacking part. Though this is not really my style. But since the guys can’t be contacted anymore, I think there’s no other way… Does anyone know the hack/crack/serial? ghosting a disk can be a way too… and btw, I have the installer, it’s almost 6 mb, I can mail it if you mail me your email address: Martijn