Callaway timed out...

Callaway is the username of some newbie guy who showed up here and got himself a two week suspension after only an hour and twenty minutes. Some kind or record I suppose. Beats Howard Stern’s record for getting suspended from some Yahoo chat room in the early days of the public Internet. Stern lasted about three hours if I remember correctly. lol for real. (Or was it 15 minutes?)

Question is, the only Callaway I know is a T. Callaway who heads up a major surf gear company. This guy T. signed on for the first time the day before. Anyone else know any other surfing Callaways? This is too coincidental to over look.

or it could be

“call away” , as in :

"if you call [names] away , you will quickly fall away " [ie : get yourself kicked out]


That’s trick. Could be. I like the way you think, Ben.

I should try thinking like that. It’s a lot safer.

Ahh, so this is the hour of the ozzy post…2:15 am my time.

What am I doing up so late?


Chip i am sorry but you should probably try to stick to the facts. haha

Anyway as i said before it should probably be dropped.
