Callaway timed out...

Sheesh -

Everybody can calm down now. He’s in a two week time out for conduct unbecoming of a Swaylockian.

Mahalo! Such negativity for such a positive activity! Go figure!

Mabey hes a german… or mabey just a … you fill that in.

Ok now it is time to get off the subject because mabey we are now doing exactally what he wants us to do. Mabey he started this sour attitude just to get us to react the way we are reacting now.

And then mabey it is just me reading a little too much psychology in the books that i was just suggested.


Thank You

Sheesh -

Everybody can calm down now. He’s in a two week time out for conduct unbecoming of a Swaylockian.

Ha! Ha! A time out…that so cracked me up. I guess his conduct was inappropriate for the Zoning he was trying to use it in! Ha!

Thanks John what a relief.

Remember Donavon’s “They call me mellow yellow” from the 60s? Maybe pipe some of that into detention rooms as “therapy music” for ill-behaved Swaylock’s bad-boys.

Or maybe for me when I’m too grumpy?

Sometimes I think people are sent to us as shills or hired disrupters, but maybe I’m just a natural born cynic. Nah!

Howzit tiktokman, To bad we can’t fine them, at least it would help Mike pay the website fees. Aloha,Kokua

Ignoring or denying access might be the greater fine to impose for negative attention seekers. But money would be nice, too.

Why wouldn’t someone who got booted or suspended just make another name?


when youre banned, it blocks your ISP number, so youd have to use a different computer all together.

The ban button can be used either way - individual or ISP. If ISP is not blocked, theoretically other family members could log on using the same connection.

If ISP is not blocked, theoretically other family members could log on using the same connection.

Huh. Wonder if that’d ever happen. It would be a Drag.on we go…:slight_smile:

Okay, that’s IT! Surround the house, hut hut hut! Ready, go! All clear. Confiscate the computers. Leave three guards. Arm the neighbors. Put the exploding collar on 'im. Anywhere within six feet of a computer,and BAM!

That oughta do it, ya think?

Heh- gotta say, even as a free speech freak, that the idea has merit…

Fight fire with fire, that is. As Socrates might have said, the freedom of speech in the marketplace is one thing, and civilised discourse another…


I think maybe he may have mistaken it for Fight Club instead of the surfboard design and construction forum that it is.

Rule #8 of Fight Club - If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.


BTW his first initial wouldn’t be “T” would it? Anyone know? jk again:-)

great movie

That reminds me…


Who is Callaway and what did he/she do…I must have missed it?..whats the deal?

Search through the posts about Barnfield… innovator… look for his name then click on his profile, then click “see all posts”… just read the stuff he was saying about all of us in general. you will be shocked and appaled.