Calling AKU APS3000 Shaper Guru's... Scaling your boards & FCS fin coordinates / formulas...

Hey guys, firstly I’m a long time lurker on the forum and have been enjoying for years, but there is something I cannot find info on. I’ve been designing boards on AKU Shaper and have finished a heap of boards but I want to make these boards in 3-4 different sizes. What is the best and easiest way to scale the boards? For eg. I designed a 6’1 shortboard and I want to make it a 5’11 and a 6’3. Is it as simple as adjusting the length, width and thickness? Or will I have to redesign each one? I know the software will auto adjust the rocker but is that all that is automatically changed? I havn’t attepted it yet as I thought I’d check with you guys before I start spending hours on it and figure out it’s the wrong method…

ALSO can anyone fill me in on how you are doing your fin placement
coordinates for FCS fins on AKU??? Are you leaving the measurments in AKU blank and doing this manually after the board is shaped or doing everything in AKU? Is there a formula for placement for each board size??? This is the only
other thing that is puzzling me… Cheers!


much better then! too bad you’re only limiting it to three tail choices hehe personally i’d go for a blunted diamond tip, a chamfered fishtail and a bruce wayne-esque bat-wing just to know if they work at all " )


using AKU to scale up or scale down a mere couple of inches in length will give you very little variance in board volume, especially if width & thickness are kept constant. try saving your final template file at 6’1" and use it as ‘shadow’ file for the other 2 versions, you’ll see how adjusting thickness can let you keep the volume & width constant.

wait a bit and you’ll soon be hearing from the guys who’ll tell you that snapping 4" off the nose won’t make any difference hehe " )


The thing is, I already know what the widths and thickness will be I just wanted to know if I enter the length, width and thickness what else would I need to change? Considering the program auto adjusts the rocker, would I need to adjust the outline, tail thickness, concave, rails, tail width, nose width etc to keep the board to scale or will the program do this automatically? Really I just want to know the process you guys go through when scaling a board in aku shaper…?

no, just the length, width and thickness.  the program will rescale everything else accordingly. for a sanity check, load your 6’1 as a “ghost board” over the other two.  this will superimpose the board you like over the one you’re working on (go to ‘file’ - ‘ghost board’ - and find the 6’1)  use this as a reference to check rockers and get an idea how the outline and thickness flow is updating.  have fun!




just curious mike, why the ‘negligible’ length difference, i.e. +/- 2" ?

IMO there’s a lot more ‘play’ you can explore from a constant template over 3 boards with 2-inch incremental differences if it’s the fin cluster you’ll play around with. volume difference won’t be much anyway, relative to your body frame, so might as well play around with your trio, making them adjustable from single, to twin, to thruster, to quad, to bonzer


Thanks Kirk! Sounds like it’s a lot simpler than I thought it would be :)… Surfiber, I am designing a range of boards, so I will be leaving each board as it is and scaling to different sizes. The experimentation with tails etc comes into each seperate style of board :)…

Topic Addon: ALSO can anyone fill me in on how you are doing your fin placement
coordinates for FCS fins on AKU??? Are you leaving the measurments in
AKU blank and doing this manually after the board is shaped or doing
everything in AKU? Is there a formula for placement for each board
size??? This is the only
other thing that is puzzling me…


The marking of the fins within the program is probably there for a mass production operation.

Master Shaper marks it in the program, finish shaper finishes the blank and mark fin placements acc. to printed production sheet generated by AKU/Shape3d etc.


Fins: for similar boards as tail widths (bottom surface area in the tail) increases, then fin placement is further back with same sized fins. Wider tail looser, needs more fin control

reverse this as tail widths go narrower. Narrow tail tighter: need less fin control;

Consider Probox fin boxes, you wont have to nail the fin placement exactly and can get 1/2" adj. fore/aft or even 1" with slight mods.

Beats the hell out of routing and resetting.