the picture make the colours bolder then they are… day after a hot coat.
after sanding it today im thinking it my look better unpolished. im still gong to reglass 4x4 with a 6oz feet(both feet) patch, if not 4x4x6.[img_assist|nid=1065998|title=swirly thing|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]
Ambrose is spot on…custom painter here with a lot of exp with color,go with a red (very transparent) tint and it will look great! Kinda like it the way it is too! Something to be said about appreciating it for what it is!
Unless you are a very, very, very good sander, adding a pigmented or tinted top over this design will only make it even more blotchy. with or without cloth. I'm guessing your are a so so sander? if you try to tint the top it will look even more F'd up. Tints are hard even when you are doing it on a clean blank. Red, blue, purple tint is only for pro quality guys. Best bets are Orange, yellow, green..................Looks like you cornered the market on Orange and yellow.
Next time add more pigments too the mix. do your research in the archives. I've always told guys to add more colorant to the mix. A cup will always look a hell of a lot darker than when it's spread out 1/8" thick. Red that looks like blood in the cup, will be a nasty pink.
what was up with the sideways pull at the nose.........just had to do it right?
Remember...the first color to hit the foam wins. Once it hits the foam, it's done. No matter how much you pull rubb, pour more etc. it's done. Actuall guy will pour clear resin over work to lock it into place. if you want swirl and clear, you got to lock the color down...You need to flood the cloth with clear resin. Remember the first resin color to hit foam wins....that means clear too.
Next time pour out color on part of the board..in blotches. Then come back with a reverse mix and pour over the open spots.
Then tilt to board right, tilt the board left
Then pull the resin around to the rails, and the open spots.
The less working the resin the more clear, vibrant, and defined the colors will be.
Unless you are a very, very, very good sander, adding a pigmented or tinted top over this design will only make it even more blotchy. with or without cloth. I'm guessing your are a so so sander? if you try to tint the top it will look even more F'd up. Tints are hard even when you are doing it on a clean blank. Red, blue, purple tint is only for pro quality guys. Best bets are Orange, yellow, green..................Looks like you cornered the market on Orange and yellow.
Next time add more pigments too the mix. do your research in the archives. I've always told guys to add more colorant to the mix. A cup will always look a hell of a lot darker than when it's spread out 1/8" thick. Red that looks like blood in the cup, will be a nasty pink.
I found this out about the blue pigment, and not adding enough last week!. Thought i'd added a lot, but on the foam, it is very light, and all of my beginner shaper gouges nicks, and scratches, my imperfectly cut finpatch stick out like dogs balls. When i do the deck next week i will be loading it up much more, hoping to make it opaque enough to hide some of the flaws on the laps :(.