Calling all surfers, vote in news db8, Slater V Federer

I am the outdoors sports writer at the Daytona Beach News-Journal. It is tough to get editors to believe there should be more surfing in the paper. So tough in fact, we recently had a sports debate in office where Roger Federer was held up as the greatest pro sports champ in modern times. I said what? MJ? Lance Armstrong? Hawaiian Ironman Dave Scott? No no no. Not even Kelly Slater? Slater is 8x World Champ! They laughed. So we have a newspaper “Great Debate” where one columnist extols Federer and my column champions Slater. It’s who’s the better athlete Roger Federer or Kelly Slater. Anyways, I am hoping Swaylocks will get my back and users will check click on sports and scroll half way down to “Great Debate.” You can click on the headlines to read the stories or just vote right there. The more votes I can get, the more “sway” my arguments will have that more surfing should be in the paper.

Peace, Swaylocks

Well now…that’s quite a debate.

on’t you think it is pretty difficult comparing apples to oranges? Tiger Woods? Laird Hamilton? Phil Edwards? Jean Claude Killy? Rafa? Djokovich? Justin? Roger? Curren? and of course Slater…

then the people you mentioned previously not to say anything about creatures like Secretariat?

The truth of the matter is Michael Jordan and those standout athletes are freaks of nature…all of them…Wayne Lynch? Freak of Nature. Secretariat…the autopsy revelaled the horse had twice the size heart of the average horse. No wonder they insist horses run on heart. Lance Armstrong utilizes oxygen two times more effciently than his opponents.

Was Barishnykov an artist or an athlete with those floating forever jumps suspended seemingly forever mid air?

Freaks, Freaks of Nature all of them.

My vote’s for Jack.

Jack LaLane that is.


L.A. Never had much credibility here in Europe.

Did he have assistance???

A very timely response as I am currently finishing a month in Paris and watched the final TDF sprint down Champs Elysees and the triumphant victory cruise for Sastre the Spainiard who won this year.

As far as Lance, I read an article in a recent “Men’s Health” magazine written by Greg Le Monde, the 3 time Tour de France winner, once close friend to L.A. and now a very outspoken critic and adversary to all the doping in cycling. It is a very revealing article about both Le Monde and Lance.

Doping has certainly premeated into all competitive sports. I took a tour of Roland Garros which took us behind the scenes of the courts. It reveled an extensive network or media and interview rooms, lounges, bistro, lockers, infirmary, and yes…even a drug testing lab. I loved the final corridor the finalists head through before reaching center court through the port holed door. There are thousands of autographs on the walls by history’s greatest tennis players with a small picture of each one affixed above their signatures.

Has Kelly been drug tested? Perhaps he has used “EPO” as Le Monde claims Lance did.

Interesting that all this comes after Rafa has eclipsed Federer for the #1 slot even if for a brief moment. Time will tell.

Keep surfing simple and enjoyable. The rest are just details.

A Bientot (C YA)

I’m envious. Sastre, it seems to be generally agreed, is likely the first non doping winner of the Tour for a long time and I’d have loved to applaud him down the Champs.

If you ever get the chance, have a look at what Paul Kimmage (a former rider) has to say. He has been a major critic of doping in the past but this year proclaimed himself a believer again. He was very complimentary of the US sponsored Garmin team.

I personally really enjoyed seing Danny Pate ride the tour at last. For me, he’s a far better role model for aspiring US road racers than LA, or Lemonde for that matter; though Lemonde again has far more credibility in Europe than Lance.

Cycling needs people to believe in.

Doping Surfers? Maybe…but it’d more likely be of the recreational variety ( a la MP) rather that something systematic and cynical like EPO.

Would EPO help a surfer? I’d have thought anabolics, rather than endurance drugs, would be the route. It all seems very unlikely to me though. I’d guess pro surfing is hard enough without doping sucking the last vestiges of fun out.

Have you ever been to Thurso?

Your last sentence makes me think you might have seen the grafitti at the harbour.



First, let me correct myself. The article is in “Men’s Journal” Volume 17 #6. July 2008.

This has Jack Johnson on the cover…a great story in itself and wholly a lot more innocent in nature.

As far as KS doping…that was just a random comment I made and I don’t want to suggest that is the case. And you are probably right as far as your assessment/comparison of what would be appropriate (annabolic vs. endurance) substance tweaking for increased performance.

Although the pro surfing circuit provides surfers with challenges of its own, I doubt it has the demands that the cycling tours demand or even more so the frenetic jet lagged 110+ degrees on the court that professional tennis players are subjected to.

Personally I don’t even see how Sharapova, Fed, Rafa, Jokovich, Safin and all the rest can handle that kind of heat while playing at such an extreme and precise level! On the lines shots are the norm for winners and missing by three fingers is coonsidered way out.

We get to drift around in the water while searching for multiple line up points for take off. It’s quite a different dance.

Le Monde’s “MJ” article states there were 8 people in L.A.'s hospital room when he stated to doctors he had in fact taken EPO. Le Monde recorded a phone recording with an Armstrong associate from sponsor Oakley stated he had in fact stated that in the room. She later retracted that statement denying any such thing was said, and a court found Le Monde’s taped phone recording with her inadmissable.

Truth be told, only the people in that room will most likely ever know the truth.

Up until reading this article and had always taken the position that the French where expressing sour grapes over Lance’s consistent strong finishes as he had never, once tested positive for doping. Le Monde himself had one spectacular episode of performance that wowed everyone and it was stated that an injection had been administered directly before that incredible performance but that it was an iron supplement. Well maybe he pulled one over on everyone (too)?

With the recent rumblings of doping in every conceivable sport it is hard for some people to take a solid position. To you just open it up to allowing anything and everything or do you hope the testers can keep up with the chemists developing new ways to produce undetectable doping?

And it gets more complicated than that: did Triple Crown hopeful “Big Brown” lose

the final race because he had been taken off an acceptable drug (lasik I think). Or did he simply choose not to run his best? We may never know.

If you want to drive yourself completely bonkers, you can expand it from there to include pondering if the selective breeding of blacks led to a better slave and provided the foundation for Hitler to believe in a superior race.

But I’ll be the first to want to pull the reins back to how potentially simple surfing can be. In what other sport could you be virtually naked, without and equipment than what you were born with, swim out to the line up and ride a wave?!!

Now that is both simple and beautiful.


I haven’t been to the spot you alluded to. It probably is just a ‘common truth’ like the analogy of body surfing.

A Bientot

Yes, interesting stuff but for me it’s about fun.

That’s Thurso.

That’s fun!

Smoking wave with the offshores…the others kind of give it away as a moddy place…obviously still well worth the paddle out. Right on Scotland!!!