Hi! I haven’t been on here in quite a while, as I was rather busy with Grade 12, but I’m done with school now, and business is rather slow at the moment, so I have a whole lot of time on my hands.
In any case, I’d like a board recommendation. I’m currently riding a 7’0" 20 3/4" 2 3/4" rounded pin in basically everything from 1m to 8m waves. It performs wonderfully in 4m-6m waves, and I have successfully surfed it in 8m waves, but I would have liked another 6 inches to a foot of board length in those conditions. But my main problem is that the board is far to hard to maneuver in 1m-3.5m conditions. From 4m-6m it just works beautifully, but anything under 3.5m and the board just doesn’t perform the way I would like it to. I’d like a board that will work good in 1m-3.5m pointbreaks, and that can really be thrown around good. I don’t like to turn off the fins, pivoting, I prefer to turn off the rails. I would also like to slide out the tail if enough force is applied, but it shouldn’t slide out as a rule. I am an intermediate-advanced surfer, and the type of maneuvers that I prefer to do is mainly hard carves, re-entries, laybacks, cutbacks, floaters, etc. I would like to start working on airs soon, but it won’t be as the main focus of my surfing, but rather something that I would like to add to my repertoire. I have managed to launch an air on my 7’0", but needless to say it requires a really powerful wave, and it is rather difficult to attempt to land your first air in 4m barreling surf over a shallow reef.
I am 185cm (I’m not sure if that is 6’1" or 6’3")
What I had in mind was something along the lines of 6’4"-6’6", 20", 2 3/4", but I am not entirely sure what would be a good outline…