Can I use regular WOOD GLUE for BALSA strips?
I figure that since the handboard will be glassed it shouldn’t matter what I used underneath. I mean, if the outer seal is breached, the balsa will suffer as much as the glue. Is that logical thinking or is there a special glue I should use.
I have standard elmers woodworking glue (the yellow stuff and the brown stuff) but I also have some stuff called Gorila Glue which claims to be 100% waterproof, but will stain the wood, and I don’t want to accidentally stain the outer surfaces of the balsa. Since balsa is rather absorbant, I worry that the glue will stain too deeply to sand out.
Any suggestions?
You might consider another wood for hand boards, unless you were going to glass them. Balsa has almost no integrity, and is very porous. For that use, a harder wood would be more appropriate. If glassed, the glue would be less significant. They make yellow glue called tite-bond II that is more flexible than the Elmers, but Elmers would work fine. Gorilla Glue would be the way to go if you use a harder wood like Mahogany. Stay away form balsa if you are just sealing them w/ a stain. After glue up, Epoxy might be the way to go also.
Trial and error will be fun, and no big deal w/ such small equipment.
I’ll be glassing it with 4 ounce cloth and then will give it a gloss and polish (or is that pollish?), I can never tell polish from pollish.
That figures, because my ancestry is part polish (or is that pollish)??!!??!!??!