Can someone PLEASE explain

In simple terms: what is THE BEST AND LEAST EXPENSIVE (non polyurethane) foam to use with epoxy? Resin Research epoxy? So many people seem to be experimenting with so many different types of resins, foams, techniques. Common acrylic house paint coated over EPS? Disasters, mixed results and all those problems! Out-gassing, massive delaminations! Drilling tiny vent holes, valves through the deck-- huh?? Spackle and microspheres? Can’t this subject be explained any simpler? Is there one trustworthy resource on all this confusion? HELP!

to each his own

There’s enough knowledge in the archives to come up with your own answer.


I think your right. Is styrofoam going to result in a significant better product for the extra time it takes to figure the whole thing out? When Clark blanks become unavailable or too expensive I’ll give it a try. Or, when G. Loehr’s blanks become available I might give it a try. Hot wires, spackle, gluing up stringers. I’d rather learn to build boards with wood.Two years ago a friend brought over a couple of big chunks of styro roof insulation and said, " Here, you want to be a shaper, shape this." They’re still sitting there and free to a good home. To each his own. Mike

Read and study this:

whew…I stuck it out and read it through

it’s obvious that rr is the thing to do

this pitch is hard to let go by

I’ll have to swing as time goes by

thanks to dale and mr Obliges

to make me read and get up -wises

ambrose…to assimilate will take till topper gets back and about 6 gallons of poly wolly doodle

Definitely a good read, lots of onfo, lots of good tips.

Anyone thinking about going this way should read this info first.

Thanks for more enlightenment.

Wow. That answered so many questions. Thanks for putting that together Rob!

Blanks are so easy to make it’s ridiculous and yet it is still, after almost 25 years, it’s the biggest stumbling block to many people. The advantages of making your own are HUGE. The amount of time and money saved, in the long run, is HUGE. The ability to make what you want, when you want, without having to look over a catalogue of other peoples curves, order a custom rocker (that usually comes out wrong), and then wait on a delivery, is HUGE. I use ONLY my own curves. My blanks come perfect, never twisted, always the same on both sides, always to my exact specifications. I never have to plane thickness because that’s always cut perfectly, along with thickness flow, when I make the blanks. I never have to clean up someone else’s mess. I can make ANYTHING I want at anytime and if I think of something really off the wall, I can shape it this afternoon instead of… never, because it can’t be popped out of an existing mold. I make truly CUSTOM boards with consistency born out of the accuracy and versatility of the blank making process. The perceived inconvenience of setting up such a system is so incredibly overstated and the effort is so worthwhile on so many levels you simply can’t know until you’ve been there.

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Ha! What a blast from the past.
I realize I drank the cool-aid about making ones own blanks. In no small part thanks to a regional “pro” with a crap attitude (towards me) telling me I didn’t know what I was talking about and that I should get a hot wire and make my own blanks… So I did… Ha! And thankfully Sways was in full effect in those days.
No wonder I’m still quite fond of this place. And glad I could get back on…