Can’t get gloss coat back to pre sanding look after using #2 on it

First cutlap with a polished tint and it’s still hazy???

Ive made 2 resin tinted boards that I freelappes and only hot coated, they’re for me and it was my 2,3 board so I didnt really care. This wasn my first cutlap that went ok, hot coat 120/150 and a gloss coat sanded 400 600 800 and compounded cleaned off and I just hit it with #2 and when I rinse it the haze comes back. What am I missing?


Attached what it looks like now vs before I sanded anything. 



What are you using for Gloss resin?  What are all those dimples and lines around the fin?  Almost looks like you didn’t get your hotcoat sanded flat.  Which would mean that you oversanded the Gloss to get rid of those shinies, that are actually in your very uneven hotcoat.  What that would mean is that the Gloss coat is gone.  You are back down to the hotcoat .  I think you need to back up.  Do another hotcoat and get it to lay down real nice.  Use tape at mid rail on both sides.   Sand your hotcoat and get it perfectly flat with no shiny spots, no dips.   What are you using for a sander? You should be using a 7" rotary sander with a speed dial to slow RPMs.  Use a medium hard foam pad for the flats and a soft pad for the Nose, Tail and rails.  If you can only afford one pad, buy the medium for the flats and sand the rest of it by hand. Are you using enough wax in your hotcoat and are you getting it hot enough(MEK)?  You are going thru the process correctly on sand and polish.  But it looks like you are having trouble with the step before.  The hotcoat.  You may want to consider thinning your resin on both the hotcoat and gloss.  Of course the whole problem with your post is that you did not state whether you are using Epoxy or Polyester.  I am assuming Polyester, but wouldn’t be suprised if I am wrong.