Today is march 21
the astrologic comic book
has rolled over
pagan planetary propiciousness
is at hand.
this for our northern hemisphere
is the evidentiary revelation that there is hope.
Hope for mangos peaches grapes strawberries .
hope for longer daylight to accomplish dreams
to be brought to physical reality.
make something of it.
Positive Vibration Yeah!
nay sayers ,devils and negativity — get behind
the deamons blocking positive growth
identify and deny energetic fuel
cranky complaints good bye.
when they say ,to the negative ,
reply -thet was negative and I dont have time
for anything nut positive right now ,good bye.
sell boards at a reasonable profit.
ssend cheapsters to the popout mill the
inventory is biteing them guys in the okole
they are selling em for two for the price of one!
god bless em all !
and us too!
get up stand up for your rightful due.
complainants , your season is over.
smell the new blooms
eat fresh food
cook a good meal
eat well!
the year is reborn.